The Cantor Sect

The Cantor Sect is THE Undergraduate Math Club. We meet approximately every other week during the semester. All students who are interested in Mathematics and/or its culture are welcome to join. Activities include:

  • Invited lectures delivered by faculty and students from Math, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering, and other STEM disciplines, as well as off-campus STEM industry representatives.
  • Problems for Dollars (solve a math problem - get a dollar! or maybe two!)
  • Watching mathematically-related videos and movies.
  • Intra-university Knowledge Bowl contests (Physics - watch out!).
  • Pot-luck dinners (usually paired with a movie).
  • The occasional an off-campus activity like bowling or paint-ball.
  • We also host the annual Distinguished Lecturer Series in Mathematics, an all-campus event featuring an internationally-known mathematician who addresses current issues in mathematics in a publically-oriented lecture.

Visit our Departmental Calendar for upcoming events.

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