
All students who have declared MATH as either a major or a second major are assigned an advisor in the Math Department. In the Mathematical Sciences Department, advising is done by full-time faculty. This allows students to interact with an academically experienced advisor who has broad subject-specific knowledge. Our advisors work individually with students on the following:

  • Help the student plan and carry out an appropriate course of study.
  • Assist the student with scheduling issues.
  • Help the student understand the University of Memphis academic policies and regulations.
  • Connect students to scholarships that are offered through the Department.

How do I get a math advisor?

  • Declare MATH as a major or second major, as follows:
    • If you wish to declare a MATH major (not second major), send an email to casgraduation@memphis.edu with your name, and U-number, stating that you wish to declare a MATH major.
    • If you wish to declare a second major, and are not currently an Engineering major, proceed as in the previous item.
    • If you wish to declare a second major, and are currently an Engineering major, contact Betsy Loe and let her know this.
  • When this is completed, send an email to Ilham Tayahi stating that you have declared MATH as a major or second major, and he will assign an advisor to you.

Who is my advisor?

Students can find their advisor's name at the top of UMdegree and on the Student tab in MyMemphis by clicking "Who is my advisor?".

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