Evaluation: Formative and Summative Evaluation

To assist in the development of the proposed project, an Advisory Board will be convened to make recommendations and evaluations on all aspects of the program as it is formed. The Advisory Board will meet face to face in the first semester of the project and attend virtual meetings each subsequent semester of the project. We have commitments from an outstanding group of prominent researchers with vast experience in educational research. Members bring a variety of expertise including efforts in statistics education and in flipping classrooms – Dr. Jean McGivney-Burelle, Dr. Abby Parill-Baker, Dr. Neal Rogness, Dr. Ginger Rowell, and Dr. Calvin Williams.

Professor Jean McGivney-BurelleDr. Jean McGivney-Burelle is a professor and Executive Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation at the University of Hartford. She is the author of numerous book chapters, articles and conference proceedings and was a co-PI on NSF grant "Flipping Calculus" DUE/TUES 1245059 and is a co-PI on current related project "Supporting and Sustaining Scholarly Mathematics Training" DUE/IUSE 1725952.



Dean Abby Parill-Baker

Dr. Abby Parill-Baker is the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Memphis. She is interested in innovative teaching and learning approaches for chemistry courses at the high school and university level as described in publications in the chemical education literature. Her recent efforts have focused on incorporation of pedagogies that stimulate student engagement through flipped general chemistry classrooms at the University of Memphis.


Dr. Neal Rogness is a professor in the Department of Statistics at Grand Valley State University. One of his primary research interests is in statistics education. He is PI on the grant "High Impact, Little Time Activities that Address Lexical Ambiguity in Statistics" DUE/IUSE 1504013.

Professor Ginger RowellDr. Ginger Rowell is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Science at Middle Tennessee State University and has research interests in statistics education. She was PI on grant "Modules for Teaching Statistics with Pedagogies using Active Learning" DUE/TUES 1245393. She is a former program officer in mathematical sciences in the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation. Dr. Rowell has experience as external evaluator for educational projects including NSF IUSE, STEP, S-STEM, and GK-12. An expert in project evaluation, Dr. Rowell will lead the Advisory Board in the independent evaluation of the proposed project.


Director Calvin WilliamsDr. Calvin Williams is a professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University. He is the Director of the Center of Excellence for Mathematics and Science Education at Clemson. He is a former program officer in mathematical sciences in the Division of Undergraduate Education at the National Science Foundation.

Evaluation Timeline