Mathematics Education

Outreach and Service

In addition to teacher preparation, our faculty are involved in numerous projects that engage with the community on a local and national level. State and National level competitive grants have provided opportunities for our faculty to provide professional development for K-12 teachers from school districts in Shelby County and the surrounding rural counties. In addition, our faculty have played leading roles in the development of Common Core curriculum and assessment materials that can be found at EngageNY, Eureka Math, and PARCC. Faculty have served on State-wide Educational Advisory Boards.


Below are the research interests and representative publications from each member.

Fernanda Botelho photoFernanda Botelho, Professor; Graduate Coordinator (Mathematics)
Research Interests: Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and Topics from Dynamical Systems

  1. Surjective isometries on Grassman spaces, Journal of Functional Analysis, 265(10), 2226-2238, with J. Jamison and L. Molnár), (2013).
  2. Hermitian operators on Lipschitz function spaces, Studia Mathematica, 215(2), 127-137, with J. Jamison, A. Jiménez- Vargas, and M. Villegas-Vallecillos, (2013).
  3. Homomorphisms on a class of commutative Banach algebras, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 43(2), 395-416, with J. Jamison, (2013).


John Haddock photoJohn Haddock, Professor; Director of Graduate Studies
Research Interests: Ordinary and functional differential equations, STEM Education

  1. Bargagliotti, A.E., Botelho, F., Gleason, J., Haddock, J., Windsor, A. (2012). The Effectiveness of Blended Instruction in Postsecondary General Education Mathematics Courses. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education. 19(3), 83–94
  2. 2. Windsor, A., Bargagliotti, A., Best, R., Franceschetti, D. Haddock, J., Ivey, S., Russomanno, D. Increasing Retention in STEM: Results from a STEM Talent Expansion Program Under Review


Ben McCarty photoBen McCarty, Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Math education, low-dimensional topology

  1. Mathematician for EngageNY/Eureka Math Pre-K through 5th Grade curriculum materials found at: https://www.engageny.org/common-core-curriculum


Alistair Windsor photoAlistair Windsor, Associate Professor; Director, Institute for Intelligent Systems
Research Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory

  1. Bargagliotti, A.E., Botelho, F., Gleason, J., Haddock, J., Windsor, A. (2012). The Effectiveness of Blended Instruction in Postsecondary General Education Mathematics Courses. International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education. 19(3), 83–94
  2. 2. Windsor, A., Bargagliotti, A., Best, R., Franceschetti, D. Haddock, J., Ivey, S., Russomanno, D. Increasing Retention in STEM: Results from a STEM Talent Expansion Program Under Review

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