Research Faculty

Andrews T. Anum headshotAndrews T. Anum, Assistant Professor
Email: atanum@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 357
Research Interests: Cluster Analysis and Robust Statistical Procedures

Bela Bollobas headshotBéla Bollobás, Professor; Chair of Excellence
Email: bollobas@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 243
Phone: 901.678.5610
Research Interests: Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, random disordered systems, random cellular automata

Hongqiu Chen headshotHongqiu Chen, Professor
Email: hchen1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 365
Research Interests: Partial differential equations and fluid mechanics

Lih-Yuan Deng headshotLih-Yuan Deng, Professor
Email: lihdeng@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 219
Phone: 901.678.3134
Research Interests: Random number generation, simulation

Alexander Gavrilyuk headshotAlexander Gavrilyuk, Assistant Professor
Email: gvrilyuk@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 363
Research Interests: Combinatorics and Graph Theory

E. Olusegun George headshotE. Olúṣẹ́gun George, Professor; Graduate Coordinator (Statistics)
Email: eogeorge@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 229
Phone: 901.678.5088
Research Interests: Modeling and analysis of clustered data, Bayesian procedures in bioinformatics and meta-analysis

Gisele Goldstein headshotGisèle Goldstein, Professor
Email: ggoldste@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 337
Phone: 901.678.2513
Research Interests: Mathematical physics, continuum mechanics, financial mathematics, quantum mechanical density functional theory, applied analysis and partial differential equations

Jerome Goldstein headshotJerome Goldstein, Professor
Email: jgoldste@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 343
Phone: 901.678.2484
Research Interests: Linear and nonlinear PDE, operator theory, stochastic processes, mathematical physics, classical analysis, applied analysis, financial mathematics

David Grynkiewicz headshotDavid Grynkiewicz, Professor, Associate Chair
Email: djgrynkw@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 367
Phone: 901.678.1140
Research Interests: Additive Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory, Additive Number Theory, Extremal Combinatorics

Thomas Hagen headshotThomas Hagen, Professor and Interim Chair
Email: thagen@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 237
Phone: 901.678.2481
Research Interests: Applied analysis, partial differential equations, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics.

Anna Kaminska headshotAnna Kamińska, Professor
Email: kaminska@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 239
Phone: 901.678.2494
Research Interests: Functional analysis, Banach spaces, function spaces

Irena Lasiecka headshotIrena Lasiecka, Distinguished University Professor
Email: lasiecka@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 373
Research Interests: Applied Mathematics, PDE's and related control theory

Pei-Kee Lin headshotPei-Kee Lin, Professor
Email: pklin@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 241
Phone: 901.678.3143
Research Interests: Functional analysis, nonlinear analysis

Nathan Lindzey headshotNathan Lindzey, Assistant Professor
Email: lindzeyn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 345
Research Interests: Combinatorics

Ben McCarty headshotBen McCarty, Associate Professor; Undergraduate Coordinator
Email: bmmccrt1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 235
Research Interests: Math education, low-dimensional topology

Randall McCutcheon headshotRandall McCutcheon, Professor
Email: rmcctchn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 347
Phone: 901.678.2693
Research Interests: Ergodic Ramsey theory

Majid Noroozi headshotMajid Noroozi, Assistant Professor
Email: mnoroozi@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 213 
Phone: 901.678.2493 
Research Interests: Statistical Network Models, Statistical Machine Learning

Roberto Triggiani headshotRoberto Triggiani, Distinguished University Professor
Email: rtrggani@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 329
Phone: 901.678.1346
Research Interests: Control Theory, Partial Differential Equations

Mate Wierdl headshotMáté Wierdl, Professor
Email: mwierdl@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 369
Research Interests: Ergodic theory, almost everywhere convergence, number theory, foundations of thermodynamics

Alistair Windsor headshotAlistair Windsor, Associate Professor
Email: awindsor@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 355
Research Interests: Dynamical systems and ergodic theory

Ching-Chi Yang headshotChing-Chi Yang, Assistant Professor
Email: cyang3@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 378
Research Interests: dimensional analysis, interval data, response surface methodology

Bentuo Zheng headshotBentuo Zheng, Professor; Graduate Coordinator (Mathematics)
Email: bzheng@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 359
Phone: 901.678.3534
Research Interests: Functional analysis

Instructional Faculty

Alpha Ba, Associate Professor of TeachingAlpha Ba headshot
Email: alphaba@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 374
Phone: 901.678.1757

Stacey Bacopulos headshotStacey Bacopulos, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: dbacopls@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 354
Phone: 901.678.1317

Nataliya Doroshenko headshotNataliya Doroshenko, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: ndorshnk@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 360

David Dwiggins headshotDavid Dwiggins, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Teaching/Coordinator
Email: ddwiggns@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 368
Phone: 901.678.4174
Research Interests: Differential and Integral Equations, Topology and Functional Analysis

Misty Freeman headshotMisty Freeman, Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: mtfreemn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 380
Phone: 901.678.3089

Angela Grant headshotAngela Grant, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: aggrant@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 382
Phone: 901.678.3071

David Grynkiewicz headshotStephen Guffey, Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: sguffey@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 386
Research Interests: Control Theory and Applied Mathematics

Scotty Houston headshotScotty Houston, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Teaching
Email: sghoustn@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 356

Joshua Oladele headshotJoshua Ọládélé, Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: joladele@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 370
Phone: 901.678.1372

Ilham Tayahi headshotIlham Tayahi, Associate Professor of Teaching/Coordinator
Email: itayahi@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 349
Phone: 901.678.3487

Visitors & Postdocs

Sreejith Siju headshotSreejith Siju, Postdoc
Email: ssiju@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3133
Office: Dunn Hall 361
Research Interests: Functional Analysis and Banach Space Theory

Xin Ma headshotXin Ma, Postdoc
Email: xma1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 372 
Research Interests: Groups, Dynamics, Banach spaces and Operator algebras

Dheer Noal Desai headshotDheer Noal Desai, Dr. Ralph Faudree's Postdoc
Email: dndesai@memphis.edu
Office: Dun Hall 366

Han Liu headshotHan Liu, Postdoc
Email: han.l@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 358 
Research Interests: Partial Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics

Bhawesh Mishra headshotBhawesh Mishra, Postdoc
Email: bmishra1@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 384 
Research Interests: Ergodic Theory

Yuri Antipov headshotYuri Antipov, Visting Professor
Email: yantipov@lsu.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 
Research Interests: Applied Analysis and Differential Equations

Jerry Bona headshotJerry Bona, Visting Professor
Email: jbona@uic.edu
Department of Mathematics, University of Illinois, Chicago 
Research Interests: Parial Differential Equation



George Anastassiou headshotGeorge Anastassiou, Professor
Email: ganastss@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 200
Phone: 901.678.3144
Research Interests: Computational analysis, approximation theory, probability, theory of moments

Fernanda Botelho headshotFernanda Botelho, Professor; Emeritus
Email: mbotelho@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 363
Research Interests: Functional Analysis, Operator Theory

James T. Campbell headshotJames T. Campbell, Professor; Emeritus
Email: jcampbll@memphis.edu
Research Interests: Ergodic theory, complex dynamics.


John Haddock headshotJohn Haddock, Emeritus Professor
Email: jhaddock@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 372
Phone: 901.678.2496
Research Interests: Ordinary and functional differential equations, STEM Education

Robert Kozma headshotRobert Kozma, Emeritus Professor
Email: rkozma@memphis.edu
Office: Dunn Hall 202
Phone: 901.678.2497
Research Interests: Applied mathematics, optimization and learning theory, dynamical systems

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