Erdős Lecture Series
September 12-14, 2019, with Student Conference, Sunday, September 15, 2019
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis is pleased to announce the 2019 Paul Erdős Lecture Series, a conference held in honor of the department's long relationship with Paul Erdős.
Combinatorics and graph theory have been active research areas in the Department of Mathematical Sciences since the early 1970's. When Paul Erdős, the most famous combinatorialist of the twentieth century, learned that the Ramsey number for any pair of cycles had been determined by the Memphis group, he immediately expressed an interest in visiting the Mathematics department and working with members of this group. During the 23 year period of the Erdős visits to Memphis, approximately 50 different papers were written with him and faculty in the department.
2019 Erdős Lecture Series Poster
Special Session: Remembering Ralph Faudree
Thursday, September 12, 2019
- Guantao Chen, Georgia State
- Jill Faudree, Alaska, Fairbanks
- Ron Gould, Emory
- Linda Lesniak, Western Michigan
- Michael Plummer, Vanderbilt
- Hehui Wu, Fudan, Shanghai
Main Conference Speakers
Friday and Saturday, September 13-14, 2019
- Noga Alon, Princeton
- Paul Balister, Memphis
- József Balog, Urbana-Champaign
- Enrico Bombieri, IAS, Princeton
- Maria Chudnovsky, Princeton
- Dimitris Koukoulopoulos, Montréal
- Imre Leader, Cambridge
- Hugh Montgomery, Ann Arbor
- Robert Morris, IMPA, Rio de Janiero
- Carl Pomerance, Dartmouth
- Julian Sahasrabudhe, Cambridge
- Alexander Scott, Oxford
- Tadashi Tokieda, Stanford
- Ramarathnam Venketasan, Microsoft
Special General Interest Lecture
Tadashi Tokieda, University of Stanford
Applying physics to Mathematics
Friday, September 13, 2019, 5:00pm
University of Memphis
FedEx Institute of Technology
The Zone
Humans tend to be better at physics than at mathematics. When an apple falls from a tree, there are more people who can catch it—they know physically how the apple moves—than people who can compute its trajectory from a differential equation. Applying physical ideas to discover and prove mathematical results is therefore natural, even if it has seldom been tried in the history of science. (The exceptions include Archimedes, some old Russian sources, a recent book by Levi, as well as my articles and lectures.) Many examples will be presented.
No registration required to attend.
Poster Session and Student Mini Conference
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Young researchers and students may display and present their recent work. For information, please contact the organizer Jeffrey Wheeler at
This conference is being sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Institute of Combinatorics at the University of Memphis.