Department of Mathematical Sciences

The Department of Mathematical Sciences is housed in Dunn Hall on the main University of Memphis campus. We offer a full range of academic programs, including the Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, and Ph.D. degrees; an Accelerated Bachelor & Master's Degree, allowing motivated students to obtain both degrees in 5 years instead of the usual 6; a Second Major program which allows students in STEM disciplines to easily obtain a second major in Mathematics; and a thriving Honors Programs.

Our faculty is known nationally and internationally for its high-level and prolific research activity, with currently active groups working in Analysis, Combinatorics, Differential Equations, Ergodic Theory, and Applied Statistics.

Ranking as of 2024

  • The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis is ranked #37 nationally and #79 Worldwide on ScholarGPS.com.
  • The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Memphis is ranked # 50 nationally and # 112 worldwide on Research.com.

Gallery of Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics through Graduate Teacher Training

Promoting Success in Undergraduate Mathematics


Gallery of Open House 2022

Open house 40 Open house 23 Open house 23 Open house 06


Gallery of the 6th International Conference on Design of Experiments (ICODOE 2022)




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