
We offer a variety of programming to allow faculty, staff, and students across campus to network and support each other. 

Spring 2024 Events

Weekly writing group – Tuesdays from 9-11 on Zoom

Dr. Crystal White (ICL) is leading the Spring 2024 Weekly Writing Group, which will run from 9:00AM - 11:00 AM Central Time on Tuesdays. This is a writing accountability group, mostly conducted with your Zoom video and microphone turned off. Any faculty, staff, or student is welcome to attend. This is not just restricted to female faculty/staff/students. Their typical agenda is as follows:
9-9:15 AM~ Send in your writing goals via ZOOM chat
9:55 AM~ Send in progress updates via chat (some may want/need to log off after the first hour)
10-10:55 AM~ Second hour (if needed)
10:50-11:00 AM~ "Check-outs" for Accountability and Support are usually interactive with video and audio on; also, Q&A if anyone is stuck with writing and research
Zoom link: https://memphis.zoom.us/j/85623231685?pwd=QWRNTGlmS2tvN25DKzE2dmprWEM4UT09

Faculty Social for the UofM Mentorship Network Launch

The Women+'s Mentorship Network is rebranding as the UofM Mentorship Network (UM²N) and announcing our partnership with the Provost's Office. 
When: Tuesday March 26, 2024, 11:30 - 1 pm
Where: UC Bluff Room
Who: All faculty (tenure-track, tenured, research, teaching, and clinical) and postdocs are invited. To keep this as a more intimate event to promote networking and socializing, we are limited to 50 RSVPs. 
Light hors d'oeuvres will be served, sponsored by the Provost's Office.
Please RSVP by March 12 to https://memphis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b8VoY50KdqLVBn8

Mentoring Speaker

Dr. Kurt Kraiger, Professor and Chair, Department of Management and Interim Associate Dean, Fogelman College of Business and Economics, University of Memphis, will be speaking about graduate mentoring. 
When: April 24th 11:30am - 12:30pm 
Where: McWherter Library 2nd floor Commons and Zoom
Please RSVP by April 19th to https://memphis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6JPcPdInMXYe7fE

Past Events, Workshops and Programming

Summer Grantwriting Incubator Workshop

Wednesdays May 31-Aug. 9

Download Flyer

Full Details

Fall 2023 Center Mentors

Fall 2023 WMN+ Weekly Writing Group

Mini Conferencess:

Mini Conference

Monthly Meetings: 

During the academic year, we have one-hour monthly meetings open to WMN+ focused on topics of interest, such as goal setting and work-life boundaries.

Monthly Meetings

Weekly Writing Group: 

During the academic year, we have one-hour dedicated writing time scheduled on Zoom each week. We provide a quiet place for individualized writing to occur with cameras/mics turned off. 

Weekly Writing Time

Book Club:

In Spring 2022, with financial support from a Community of Research Scholars grant, we held four monthly book club sessions during January, February, and March, reading and discussing (list books here). We are currently exploring no-cost options for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Book Club

Health and Wellness:

Health and Wellness

Expertise Database :

Expertise Database

Professionalization Series :

Professionalization Series