Flora Observed at Meeman Biological Station



Common Name

Life form

Actea alba Ranunculaceae White Bane Berry herb
Arisaema triphyllum Araceae Jack-in-the-pulpit herb
Capsella bursa-pastoralis Brassicaceae Shepherd's Purse herb
Cardamine hirsuta Brassicaceae Cress herb
Claytonia virginiana Portulacaceae Spring Beauty herb
Corydalis micrantha Papaveraceae Corydalis herb
Dentaria laciniata Brassicaceae Toothwort herb
Duchesnea indicai Rosaceae False Strawberry herb
Epifagus virginiana Plantaginaceae Beechdrops parasitic herb
Erigeron Asteraceae Fleabane herb
Galium sp. Rubiaceae bedstraw herb
Lepidium sp. Brassicaceae Pepper grass herb
Myosotis verna Boraginaceae spring forget-me-not herb
Osmorhiza sp. Apiaceae sweetroot herb
Phlox divaricata Polemoniaceae Phlox herb
Plantago majori Plantaginaceae Common Plantain herb
Podophyllum peltatum Berberidaceae May Apple herb
Polygonum sp.* Polygonaceae Smartweed herb
Ranunculus abortivus Ranunculaceae Buttercup herb
Sanguinaria canadensis Papaveraceae Bloodroot herb
Senecio glabellus Asteraceae groundsel, ragwort herb
Stellaria mediai Caryophyllaceae Chickweed herb
Trillium sessile Liliaceae Trillum; wake robin herb
Urtica dioica* Urticaceae Stinging Nettle herb
Viola pubescens Violaceae Yellow Violet herb
Viola soraria Violaceae Common Blue Violet herb
Parthenocissus quinquefolia Vitaceae Virginia creeper vine
Toxicodendron radicans Anacardiaceae Poison Ivy vine
Vitis sp. Vitaceae wild grape liana
Lindera benzoin Lauraceae Spicebush shrub
Aesculus pavia Hippocastanaceae Red Buckeye small tree
Asimina triloba Annonaceae Pawpaw small tree
Carpinus caroliniana* Betulaceae Blue Beech; Musclewood small tree
Cornus florida Cornaceae Dogwood small tree
Carya sp.* Juglandaceae Hickory tree
Celtis sp. Ulmaceae Sugarberry; Hackberry tree
Fagus grandifolia* Fagacaceae American Beech tree
Gleditsia triachanthos Fabaceae Honey Locust tree
Juglans nigra Juglandaceae Black Walnut tree
Liquidambar styraciflua Hammamelidaceae Sweet Gum tree
Liriodendron tulipifera Magnoliaceae Tulip Tree; Tulip Poplar tree
Ostrya virginiana* Betulaceae Hop Hornbeam; Ironwood tree
Quercus sp. Fagacaceae Oaks tree
Sassafras albidum Lauraceae Sassafras tree
Ulmus Ulmaceae Elm tree
* = not flowering      
i = introduced      


This list was compiled by Dr. Melissa Koontz and Dr. Randall Bayer.

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