Welcome to the Meeman Biological Station

Edward J. Meeman Award

Edward J. Meeman Award for Environmental Reporting

The Edward J. Meeman Biological Station consists of two sites: The Meeman site (623 acres; 252 ha) is located about 25 miles north of Memphis and 2 miles east of the Mississippi River on a Chickasaw Bluff. This site is in the narrow transition zone between the Mississippi River Valley and West Tennessee Coastal Plain physiographic regions. The Station and surrounding areas are characterized by low plains and fertile valleys which are drained by the Mississippi River and several tributaries.

The Meeman site has a large laboratory building with a classroom, research labs, and an ichthyology museum. The on-site dormitory sleeps 20 people and includes a full kitchen, plus indoor and outdoor recreation areas. The Brunswick site (367 acres; 149 ha) is located adjacent to the Loosahatchie River about 20 miles east of the Meeman Site. This is a bottomland site with sluggish streams, cypress swamps, and numerous old fields surrounded by private lands.

The Station is available to graduate students and qualified investigators throughout the year. Faculty from The University of Memphis and several other institutions in the Mid-South utilize the facility for research purposes. Ongoing research programs include wildlife behavior, evolution, and population ecology, insect systematics, river and wetland ecology, plant community ecology, and more. We welcome scientists interested in studying these topics and others! Please contact us if you are interested in conducting research at the Station.

Courses in mammalogy, ornithology, herpetology, entomology, botany, wetland ecology, field techniques, and related disciplines are offered by the University throughout the year.

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