UofM Lambuth True Blue Day on March 19

March 16, 2022 — The UofM Lambuth True Blue Day is set for March 19 with an all-day celebration on campus, highlighted by the alumni awards reception and dinner in the Jack Morris Ballroom at 6:30 p.m.

Those honored at the reception include:

  • 2020 Outstanding Lambuth Alumnus (Robert “Bob” Sadowski – BS ’69, MEd ’71, MEd ’73)
  • 2020 Outstanding Lambuth Alumna (Nancy C. Miller-Herron – BA ’78)
  • 2022 Outstanding Lambuth Alumnus (Brad Jones – BS ’90, MEd ’95)
  • 2022 Outstanding Lambuth Alumna (Christy Little – BA ’85, JD ’88)
  • 2020 Gene Smith Friend of Lambuth Award (Wes Henley)
  • 2022 Gene Smith Friend of Lambuth Award (former Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam)
  • 2022 Young Alumni Award (Marques Traylor – BPS’ 17)
  • Half-Century Club Induction and Quarter-Century Club Recognition (Classes of 1970, 1971, 1972, 1995, 1996 & 1997)

The Outstanding Alumni Award publicly recognizes Lambuth alumni for distinguished personal, career and service accomplishments with exemplary contributions to the business and philanthropic communities. Outstanding Lambuth Alumni bring great pride to the University of Memphis and honor the fine tradition of Lambuth University.

The Gene Smith Friend of Lambuth Award is given to non-graduates of the University who have greatly contributed to its success and mission.

“We are so excited to host True Blue Day again in person,” said Dr. Niles Reddick, dean of the UofM Lambuth. “This is a wonderful time for alums to return to campus, in some cases be recognized, and to reminisce about their time on this beautiful, historic campus.”

Award ceremony ticket information includes a table of eight for $500, an individual ticket for $65 and a young alumni individual ticket for $25.

The weekend festivities begin on Friday, March 18, with a Lambuth Alumni Mixer at the Hub City Brewery at 250 W. Main Street in Jackson from 6-8 p.m. while the 1971 Class Reunion will take place during the same time at the Hilton Garden Inn at 1324 Vann Dr.

UofM Lambuth True Blue Day on Saturday, March 19, begins with a check-in, meet and greet in the Wilder Student Union, self-guided campus tours and student organization meet-ups from 9-10:15 a.m. The Alumni Choir will practice in the Womack Chapel from 10:45-11:30 a.m.

Lunch in the Wilder Student Union is at noon with self-guided tours and student organization meet-ups from 1-2:30 p.m.

The quarter-century, half-century and legacy pinning participants will meet in Womack Chapel from 1:30-2:15 p.m. for the pinning ceremonies alumni chapter annual meeting and alumni choir performance from 2:30-4 p.m. This includes Lambuth alumni family legacies and the classes of 1970, 1971, 1972, 1995, 1996 and 1997.

UofM Lambuth merchandise will be available for purchase including Epworth Hall commemorative bricks for $50, commemorative Lambuth ornaments for $40 and Lambuth alma mater T-shirts for $20.

Proceeds support the Lambuth Alumni Scholarship Fund. For more information on the event, to buy tickets and to purchase merchandise, please go to https://bit.ly/UofMLambuth_TrueBlueDay.

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