UofM Lambuth establishes John Yarbrough Scholarship for students in health sciences

June 9, 2020 - The University of Memphis Lambuth has established the John Edwin Yarbrough Scholarship to benefit students in health sciences/services – the first scholarship in health sciences for UofM Lambuth.
Yarbrough is retired from West Tennessee Healthcare where he served as executive director of Physical Therapy. He made sure the Physical Therapy Department set a model of care for the region.
“We are thrilled to learn of this new scholarship to support students studying in the areas of health sciences/health services,” said Dr. Rick Bloomer, dean of the School of Health Studies. “With a rapidly growing undergraduate program in Health Sciences, as well as plans to add graduate programs in health-specific disciplines, this scholarship is timely and most welcome.”
Yarbrough is a Lambuth University alumnus and worked with a group to establish the Lambuth Heritage Rooms in Womack Chapel that honor the academic and athletic accomplishments of Lambuth College/University. He also served on the Lambuth alumni board and the UofM National Alumni Association board of directors. 
While at Lambuth, Yarbrough was a member of Kappa Alpha fraternity. The scholarship was established by his KA fraternity brothers and their wives, Bob and Becky Sadowski and Jim and Judy Ostner.
“John Yarbrough has been a great friend of the UofM Lambuth for many years, and I’m so appreciative of the support he has provided,” said Dr. Niles Reddick, dean of UofM Lambuth. “He is very deserving of this honor established by his friends.”
Yarbrough is a lifelong resident of Jackson with his wife, Carolyn. They have two children, Patrick and Julie, and five grandchildren.
To learn more or to donate to the Yarborough Scholarship Fund, click here.

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