Gambling Clinic Strives to Raise Awareness of Gambling at NCAA Tournament Time

The NCAA Tournament is one of the biggest sports betting events of the year. Around 47 million people will bet $8.5 billion during March Madness this year, or close to one in five Americans. That's more than twice as many people betting over 40 percent more than bet on the Super Bowl this year.

Despite the fact that sports gambling is still illegal in Tennessee, many Memphians will place bets on the games in this tournament. For most people, gambling is not a problem. But for some, gambling will result in potentially damaging financial, emotional, marital, legal and psychological consequences.

The Gambling Clinic at the University of Memphis strives to increase awareness of gambling problems and provide resources for individuals whose gambling is causing disruption in their lives. Helping individuals and families overcome their gambling problems for more than 15 years, the Gambling Clinic offers affordable outpatient services for individuals experiencing gambling problems. Having helped more than 500 individual gamblers through our Guided Self-Change treatment process, the Gambling Clinic is the largest gambling treatment facility in the region.

If you often think about gambling, have to gamble with more and more money to experience excitement, gamble to escape problems, or put your relationships or career at risk by gambling, call us today. The Gambling Clinic at the University of Memphis provides brief, affordable services for problem gambling. If you're ready to make a change or you have a loved one that you'd like help speaking to about their gambling, call us at 901.678.STOP (7867) or find more information about us and resources at www.memphis.edu/gamblingclinic.

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