UofM Lambuth M.D. Anderson Planetarium Announces November Schedule

October 16, 2018 - The University of Memphis Lambuth M.D. Anderson Planetarium has announced its schedule of shows for November:

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 5:30 p.m., public show: Life: A Cosmic Story

Friday, Nov. 9, 3:45 p.m., Kids' After School Special planetarium show: Astronaut

Tuesday, Nov. 13, 5:30 p.m., public show: Light Years from Andromeda

Saturday, Nov. 17, 9:30 a.m., Kids' Saturday Morning planetarium show: Astronaut

Tuesday, Nov. 20, 5:30 p.m., public show: MarsQuest

Tuesday, Nov. 27, 5:30 p.m., public show: Season of Light

Doors open 15 minutes before showtime. For safety reasons, there is no seating once the
IN US lights are on. No food or drink is allowed in the auditorium.

The University of Memphis-Lambuth M.D. Anderson Planetarium was built in 1967 and rededicated in 1973 through a generous grant from the M.D. Anderson Foundation in honor of Jackson, Tenn., native and philanthropist, Monroe Dunaway Anderson. The Planetarium's 30-foot dome seats 60 and presents regularly scheduled public shows via its Digitarium Alpha 2+ digital projector. The only public planetarium in West Tennessee outside of Memphis, the UofM Lambuth M.D. Anderson Planetarium serves the public as well as community and school groups with a wide range of presentations. Schools or groups interested in scheduling a show should email planetarium@memphis.edu, or call Holley Wood, coordinator, at 731.425.7368.

Presentations are free to groups and individuals, with free parking in the conveniently located Oxley lot.

With all the power of a major research university behind it, UofM Lambuth is the most comprehensive and only four-year public university in Jackson and serves the West Tennessee area and beyond. The University of Memphis Lambuth offers 19 bachelor's degrees, five master's degrees and two doctoral degrees, and has an enrollment of more than 1,000 students.

For more information about the University of Memphis Lambuth, visit www.memphis.edu/lambuth, call 731.425.1904, or email lambuth@memphis.edu.


Holley Wood | planetarium@memphis.edu | 731.425.7368

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