University of Memphis Shows 13.5 Percent Drop in Crime

March 28, 2018 - The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's new Crime on Campus report confirmed a 13.5 percent drop in all reported criminal incidents across all University of Memphis campuses.

Over the last five years, the UofM consistently has the lowest reported crime rate among the 10 largest public and private universities in Tennessee. In 2017, the UofM's reported incident rate was 12.7 per 1,000 campus population, the lowest since the University began tracking crimes per 1,000 in 2001. The nine other large institutions ranged from 13.8 to 46.4 incidents per thousand, with a median of 20.6.

"We have established a strong safety record in part by fostering a campus culture that always puts students first," said Mary Balée, UofM police chief. "The Crime on Campus Report is one tool we use to measure progress related to reported crime incidents. It is helpful in gauging progress from year to year to see where we are today compared to where we have been."

Among the key initiatives designed to protect students and promote a safer campus environment are: furthering the University's commitment to preventing sexual assaults and harassment; offering instant emergency alerts through the LiveSafe app for smartphones; and the Tiger Escort Program, which offers safety escorts for students from dusk until dawn.


Chuck Gallina | 901.678.1756 l cgallina@memphis.edu