UofM's Kumar Chosen To Attend U.S.-India Smart and Connected Communities Workshop

June 8, 2016 - University of Memphis Computer Science professor Santosh Kumar is one of 12 U.S. scientists selected to participate in a three-day workshop in Delhi, India, June 9-11. The U.S.-India Smart and Connected Communities Workshop is co-sponsored by the Division of Computer and Network Systems of the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) and the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, India. The event brings together top researchers from India and the U.S. to brainstorm and identify potential areas of research collaboration in the areas of Smart Cities, 5G Wireless, Big Data and the Internet-of-Things, with applications to smart health care, smart energy and disaster response.

Kumar is the Lillian and Morrie Moss Chair of Excellence in the Department of Computer Science at the UofM. He is widely considered one of the nation's leading scientists in mobile health and currently leads a 12-university NIH Center of Excellence working to develop "Big Data" solutions to quantify physical, biological, behavioral, social and environmental factors that contribute to health and wellness in daily life. For more information on Kumar's work, visit https://md2k.org.

Gabrielle Maxey

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