Dr. Melissa Janoske Selected For Prestigious Plank Center Fellowship

June 20, 2016 - Dr. Melissa Janoske, assistant professor in the University of Memphis Department of Journalism and Strategic Media, has been awarded the prestigious Fellowship for Educators by the Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. 

As part of the fellowship, General Motors in Detroit will host Janoske for two weeks in July. This fall, a public relations professional from General Motors will come to the University of Memphis to work with PR professors and students.

"We developed the summer fellowship specifically for public relations educators with the dual purpose of exposing professors to current day-to-day operations of the public relations function and to help create an exchange of information and ideas that will enhance the professional development of both the educators and the hosts," said Keith Burton, vice chair of the Plank Center and principal of Grayson Emmett Partners.

During the fellowship, educators participate in research projects, training sessions and presentations, and assist with company projects. In return, practitioners from the host organization visit the educator's campus to interact with faculty, staff and students to share industry knowledge, trends and valuable insight.

Janoske teaches a variety of public relations courses, including a new class in crisis communication. She earned a PhD from the University of Maryland in 2014, writing her dissertation on how online communities formed and aided individuals and organizations with crisis response and recovery.

Kimberly Rogers

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