Mechanical Engineering Scholarships

John D. Ray Memorial Scholarship

Ballard-Wallace Endowed Scholarship

Description: Each scholarship provides an annual stipend of $2,000 (renewable for one additional academic year) to an outstanding full-time undergraduate student with a declared major in Mechanical Engineering (B S in Mechanical Engineering).

DEADLINE: Applications should be submitted to the Mechanical Engineering Administrative Office and are due no later than Friday of the first week of April. Decisions will be made no later than Friday the third week of April.

Eligibility: Eligible applicants must be:

  1. Full-time students with a declared major in Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Students who will have successfully completed at least 6 hours of     Mechanical Engineering courses with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher in these 6 hours
  3. Students must currently be enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours of mechanical engineering courses.
  4. Students who currently are not already receiving a scholarship from the University, Engineering College, or Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Criteria for Awarding Scholarships: Recipients are selected on the basis of demonstrated academic excellence, leadership potential, and exceptional promise of being successful in mechanical engineering.

RENEWAL:  To continue receiving the scholarship for the second academic year, students must continue to be enrolled full-time with in a minimum of 6 hours of mechanical engineering courses and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0.

How to Apply: Applications can be downloaded here or contact the Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Coordinator

For more information regarding this scholarship please contact Dr. J Marchetta

For more information on other University scholarships and aid programs go to Financial Aid

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