You will be charged a $100 LATE FEE if your appointment is not complete and accepted at the Graduate School Office (ADMIN 308) before the 1st day of class of a semester.

You will not be eligible for TUITION REMISSION for a semester unless your appointment is complete and accepted by the Graduate School by the 4th day of that semester.

You must execute all of the following actions to ensure that you are appointed as a Graduate Assistant.

  1. You must already be admitted to the Graduate Program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering.
  2. You must have received notice, in writing, that you are being offered a Graduate Assistantship.
  3. You must have already completed an I-9 Immigration Form in the Department of Human Resources (Jones Hall 108).
  4. You must complete and print a W-4 Payroll Deduction Form. (http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/fw4.pdf).
  5. You must complete a Direct Deposit Form online.
  6. You must complete out a Graduate Assistant Appointment/Reappointment Form online.

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