Mechanical Engineering Faculty and Staff Directory


  Dr. Vipin Agarwal

Dr. Vipin Agarwal
Assistant Professor
Email: vipin.a@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3858
Office:  Engineering Science Building Room 322A
Research Interests: Nonlinear Phenomena, Dynamics, Vibrations and Controls, Origami Engineering, Cochlear Mechanics


Cecchini headshot

Dr. Andres Cecchini
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: cecchini@memphis.edu
Office: Engineering Science 322B

  Dr. Ali Fatemi Dr. Ali Fatemi
Ring Companies Endowed Professor and Department Chair, Director of Fatigue and Fracture Research Laboratory
Email: afatemi@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2257
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 312A
Dr. Daniel Foti Dr. Daniel Foti
Assistant Professor
Email: dvfoti@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3297
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 318
Gao headshot Dr. Yuan Gao
Assistant Professor
Email: ygao6@memphis.edu 
Phone: 901.678.5014
Office: Engineering Science 314
Dr. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan Dr. Ranganathan Gopalakrishnan

Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Email: rgplkrsh@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2580
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 312B

Guan headshot Dr. Yue Guan 
Assistant Professor
Email: yguan1@memphis.edu 
Phone: 901.678.5013
Office: Engineering Science 310A

Dr. Amir Hadadzadeh
Assistant Professor
Email: hddzadeh@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.2268
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 314

headley Dr. Alexander Headley
Assistant Professor
Email: jheadley@memphis.edu
Office: Engineering Science Building 310D
Hojat headshot Dr. Seyed Mohammad Hojjatzadeh
Assistant Professor
Email: shjjtzdh@memphis.edu
Office: Edwards Research Innovation Center Room, 223G
Lee headshot Dr. Yong Hoon Lee
Assistant Professor
Email: yhlee@memphis.edu 
Phone: 901.678.5004
Office: Engineering Science 322D
Dr. Gladius Lewis Dr. Gladius Lewis
Email: glewis@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3266
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 316
Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta Dr. Jeffrey G. Marchetta
Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
Email: jmarchtt@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3141
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 322C
Mirza headshot

Dr. Kazi Mahmud Mirza
Assistant Professor of Teaching
Email: kmmirza@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.678.3173
Office: Engineering Science Building Room 320

Okoli headshot

Dr. Okenwa Okoli
Professor and Dean, Herff College of Engineering
Email: ookoli@memphis.edu 
Phone: 901.678.4306
Office: 201D Engineering Administration Building


Emeritus Faculty

Dr. John I. Hochstein Dr. John I. Hochstein
Professor Emeritus
Email: jhochste@memphis.edu

William Janna, Professor Emeritus Dr. William Janna
Professor Emeritus
Email: wsjanna@memphis.edu 
Edward Lin, Professor Emeritus headshot Dr. Edward Lin
Professor Emeritus
Email: hlin@memphis.edu 
Warder headshot Dr. Richard Warder
Professor Emeritus


Carrick Portrait Ms. Kesha Carrick
Administrative Associate II
Email: kesha.carrick@memphis.edu 
Phone: 901.678.2173
Office: ES312
no photo available Jason Presley
Research Equipment Technician II
Email: jsprsley@memphis.edu
Phone: 901.417.1099
Office: Engineering Technology 100D

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