
Time Speaker Affiliation Title
8:00 Daniel Foti University of Memphis Welcome
8:10 Julie Young ONR Introduction
8:20 Thad Michael
Jin Keun Choi
NSWC Carderock Model and Full-Scale Studies of Cavitation Erosion & iDDES Simulations
8:50 Daniel Foti University of Memphis RANS Simulations of Wetted & Cavitating Flows over HiFoil & Material Characterization Stuides
9:20 Harish Ganesh University of Michigan mLCC Experimental Studies of Cloud Cavitation over HiFoil
9:50 Krishnan Mahesh University of Michigan LES Simulation of Cloud Cavitation over HiFoil
10:20     Break
10:30 Tom van Terwisga MARIN, Tu Delft Cavitation Erosion Assessment using an Eulerian approach in an incompressible RANS solver
11:00 Allen Skaja Bureau of Reclamation Development of a New Cavitation Test Designed to Evaluate Coatings
11:30 Chris Smith Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory
An Alternative Approach to Repair of Cavitation Damage for America's Hydropower Fleet
12:00 Tanaji Paul Florida International
Combating Erosion on Lunar Surface: the Case for Plasma Sprayed Titanium-Boron Nitride Composite Coatings
12:30     Lunch
1:30 Jun Qu Oak Ridge National
Case Hardening and Coatings for Wear Protection
2:00 Jin-Keun Choi NSWC Carderock Experimental and Numerical Study on Cavitation Erosion of Polyurea Coatings
2:30 Balaji Baskar Texas A&M Laser-induced surface functionalization to mitigate cavitation erosion
3:00 Elizabeth Haslbeck NSWC Carderock Propeller Coatings: A Means By Which to Reduce At-Sea Propeller Roughness?
4:00     Leave for LCC
4:30     LCC Tour and Demonstration
6:30     Leave for FIT

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