Apply to the ELRC

The University of Memphis Barbara K. Lipman Early Learning & Research Center was adopted as the laboratory preschool of the University of Memphis in 1959. Since then it has been a cornerstone in early childhood development in the Memphis community. Applications are accepted year round, and enrollment is offered for children ages 2-6 in a variety of demonstrations.

Enrollment priority is offered in the following order: children/dependents University of Memphis full-time faculty and staff, siblings of currently enrolled ELRC students, children/dependents of full-time University of Memphis students, children of Shelby County residents. 

Enrollment for the 2024-25 school year is now complete. However, we encourage families to apply for the 2025-26 waitlist and for future enrollment. 

Your application will roll over if your child is still age-eligible for enrollment for the next academic year.

To fill out a student application, click the apply button below and select ELRC.

Apply Now  Admissions FAQs



First Eight Memphis Pre-K Application

In partnership with First 8 Memphis, The Early Learning & Research Center is proud to announce the addition of a needs-based pre-kindergarten classroom.    

First 8 Memphis is a local non-profit devoted to serving Shelby County children and their families.  First 8 Memphis provides the funding necessary for income-eligible children to access high-quality early childhood programming in an effort to ensure kindergarten readiness and future academic success.  

Through intentional implementation of research-based curriculum and developmentally appropriate practices, classroom programming will develop pre-academic and social-emotional school readiness skills by focusing on the essential cognitive, physical, social, and emotional components of early childhood growth and development.

 In addition to ensuring kindergarten readiness, students and families will receive wraparound support services through a collaboration with Porter-Leath. These services support students’ healthy growth and development through screenings and direct family services with the long-term goal of building stronger children, stronger families, and a stronger Memphis.

This classroom is a free program for qualifying families of pre-kindergarten children.  In order to qualify, children must be age 4 by August 14, 2023 and meet household income eligibility requirements listed below.  Priority enrollment will be given to children of full-time students, faculty, and staff at the University of Memphis. 

To learn more about First 8, visit their website here.

To Apply:

Enrollment for the 2024-2025 academic school year is now closed. 

If you have any questions, please email our Family Engagement Coordinator, Chareon Wilson at cghrris1@memphis.edu.

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