Special Collections

Special Collections on the 4th floor of Ned McWherter Library. Your space for nispiration, discovery and creation

Our Mission

The University Libraries Special Collections team is committed to promoting information literacy: the ability to locate, evaluate, and use information to fulfill research and information needs. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with faculty, instructors, academic departments, and other areas of the campus community in such initiatives.

Collection Highlights

Contact Us

Need to access our books or materials? We are currently ONLY accessible by appointment. Please schedule an appointment to visit Special Collections using the provided link. If you have questions please email specialcollections@memphis.edu or call 901.678.2210 during our business hours, 8AM-4:30PM Monday through Friday. If you need an appointment for Monday, the request must reach the department by the end of the business day on the previous Friday.

The Heritage Room is located in Brister Hall, next to Wilder Tower on the campus of the University of Memphis. The Heritage Room in Brister Hall is the campus museum that celebrates all things University of Memphis. Developed in 2003, the heritage room houses memorabilia which was previously displayed in the Columns Gallery in the Administration Building. Displays are comprised of donations from alumni and former university employees. For more information on the Heritage Room, how to gain access to the Heritage Romm, or to make a donation to the Heritage Room, please contact the Special Collections Department, University Libraries at specialcollections@memphis.edu.


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