Reserves Guidelines

What Instructors Need to Know

Placing Material on Reserve
Instructors can make textbooks, syllabi, videos, and supplemental materials such as articles, sample tests, and study guides available for check out to students by placing them on reserve. Items placed on reserve can be checked out at the Checkout Desk using a UofM ID. Each semester, the instructor is responsible for bringing any books, copies, or videos to the Checkout Desk to be put on reserve. Instructors are encouraged to bring copies of articles, chapters, or other reprints in individual folders or binders. Allow 3 business days to process your request; processing may take longer at the start of the semester. If copyright guidelines are met, instructors can place the following materials on reserve: 1) UofM library books, 2) Self-owned books, 3) Copies of articles from newspapers, journals, magazines, and the internet, 4) Videos, CDs, DVDs, Audiocassette Tapes (no commercial vendors or other libraries). Any material other than that listed above may need special consideration and is subject to approval; please contact Chasity Harris. At the end of the semester, some materials may be automatically returned to either the regular collection or the instructor. Otherwise, the instructor will be contacted to cancel or extend their reserve materials.

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Reserve Form PDF

Reserve Form Online

Copyright Guidelines
Copyright law (1978) of the United States governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Photocopies or reproductions can be placed on reserve only under these conditions: 1) They will be used solely for private study, scholarship, or research, 2) The total amount photocopied from one source does not exceed "Fair Use" of the material; "Fair Use" under the Digital Millennium Act (1998) is described as: no more than 3 copies of anything, no more than 1 article per individual periodical/magazine/newspaper, and no more than 1 chapter per book, 3) A copyright compliance statement with bibliographic information is included on the first page, 4) Copies of journal articles may only be used for one semester without getting written approval of the copyright holder, 5) Copyright permission may be obtained from the owner of the copyright or from the Copyright Clearance Center. Note: The Libraries reserves the right to refuse any material that violates the copyright law.

Use the Fair Use Checklist to determine whether your material is within guidelines and include this completed form with your submitted materials.