Government Publications

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Our Mission

As the Federal Regional Depository Library for the state of Tennessee, and a depository for Tennessee state documents, the University Libraries Government Publications team is committed to providing access to federal and state government information. We welcome opportunities to assist University and community members in the use of government resources to help fulfill their research and information needs.

Research & Access

Depository Libraries

Contact Us

Government publications are available to the faculty, staff, and students of the University of Memphis and to the general public during the hours that the Ned R. McWherter Library is open. Access to our online collection is always available through our catalog, discovery service, and digital repository. For research assistance or individual appointments, email us at lib_govpub@memphis.edu or call (901) 678-4455. Other avenues of in-person and remote help are available through the Libraries remote & self-guided Research Assistance services. 

All physical formats of government publications (print, CDs, DVDs, microfiche, maps) circulate in accordance with the Check-Out Policies for the general collection. Some exceptions include reference materials, periodicals, and rare or fragile documents.

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