Retention of Acquisitions Documents

For paper business documents, the Collection Management Department will observe the following schedule (storage space permitting):

Category Retention
for Disposal
Paid invoices (by vendor)
as long as
space permits
Dept. Head
Closed correspondence on standing orders
as long as
space permits
Library Assistant II
Closed correspondence on firm orders
2 years
Library Assistant II
Purchase orders (list by P.O. #)
5 years
Library Assistant III
Purchase orders (by vendors)
5 years
Library Assistant III
Ads for completed firm orders
1-1/2 years
Library Assistant III
Duplicate invoices (by vendor)
5 years
Library Assistant III

Electronic invoices are preserved within the Integrated Library Systems data files; retention of ILS data is the responsibility of the Systems department. Electronic correspondence is subject to the retention schedule established by the University IT department.


Please send questions/comments/suggestions to
Karen Brunsting, Acquisitions and Collection Development Librarian.

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