Dissertation Writers Retreat

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About the DWR

Are you working on your dissertation or other academic writing? This free event series held each semester is geared towards UofM graduate students and focuses on improving your writing and writing techniques, completing your dissertation, and what to do after dissertation. 


Upcoming DWR Events

Check back for updates!


DWR Resources

Missed a DWR event? Want to revisit past talks? Check out our Playlist of DWR Videos & Previous Speakers and past materials in the University of Memphis Digital Commons

Looking for dissertation tips & resources? Check out our Dissertation Writers Resources Guide.


Past Events

DWR Camp 1: Writing Sprint, August 2023

DWR Camp 4: Looking Ahead, March 2023

DWR Camp 3: The Home Stretch, January 2023

DWR Camp 1: Surviving the Mountain, October 2022

DWR Base Camp: Getting Started, August 2022

Dissertation Writers Retreat, March 2022

Dissertation Writers Retreat, January 2022

DWR: Base Camp, October 2021

DWR Sprint Events, March 2021

Dissertation Writers Retreat - Virtual, January 2021

Dissertation Writers Retreat, March 2020

Dissertation Writers Retreat, January 2020