Faculty and Staff Resources

Expectations of Tiger Learning Communities Faculty Members

Maintain open communications with the Tiger Learning Communities program. Please make sure to respond to all e-mails and telephone calls from the TLC team in a timely manner and keep the TLC team informed of any changes or adjustments to your learning community.

Maintain continuous communication with the other faculty members teaching the associated Tiger Learning Community courses. By communicating with the other faculty members within your learning community, the coordinator can help facilitate academic success and integration of coursework within the community.

Attend meet and greet with the Tiger Learning Communities team. Prior to the beginning of the semester, all Tiger Learning Communities faculty will be asked attend a meet and greet with the TLC team and one another. This allows the opportunity for FAQs among the group and the opportunity to resolve any faculty issues before classes start.

Assist the Tiger Learning Communities students outside of the classroom as needed. Students may present themselves to you for help with academic, social, or personal issues. Please do what you can to connect these students with the appropriate resources on campus or in the community.

Attend meet and greet with the Tiger Learning Communities students. During the first week of the semester, all Tiger Learning Communities faculty will be asked attend a meet and greet with their learning community students. This allows the opportunity for a sense of community to begin to grow.

Additional Expectations of Tiger Learning Communities Coordinators 

(Learning community coordinators are those teaching ACAD 1100 or INDP 1000 or UNHP 1100.)

Send "welcome" e-mail to your learning community students prior to the start of the semester. As a way to inform students of what they will experience within the specific learning community, each coordinator must send an e-mail to the participants. This can also give students an opportunity to make adjustments to their personal schedule to accommodate learning community activities as they need to. Please copy Vanessa Brocks on this email at Vanessa.Brocks@memphis.edu.

Set the tone of your Tiger Learning Community. By setting a caring tone, coordinators are showing that they are invested in the success of the learning community. It includes, but is not limited, to intervening if class attendance starts to drop, establishing communication with other TLC faculty so you are aware of what and how well students are doing in their classes, and being aware of any Early Interventions submitted.

Be responsible for the success of your Tiger Learning Community, as measured by the five community success outcomes.

Have realistic expectations of students. You must meet students were they are. Yet, you should set high expectations with a support system. Over the course of the semester, be prepared for students to change their interests. However, you must still engage them within the community.

Act as a student advocate. Be prepared to intervene on a student's behalf if the need arises. However, use the opportunity as a teaching moment for the student.

Complete your forms for the Tiger Learning Communities program on time. Please complete the Activity Planning form, the Midterm Report, and the Extra Compensation form (if applicable, contact Lorie Hutson) in a timely manner to ensure the any and all appropriations are disbursed on time.

Schedule at least one structured out-of-class enrichment activity. Consistent with the guiding principles of learning communities, coordinators are expected to plan, initiate, and attend a co-curricular/social activity with their students that relate to the content of the courses that comprise the learning community.

Schedule time for an in-class assessment of your Tiger Learning Community. To ensure the continuous success of the Tiger Learning Communities program, a yearly assessment is needed. Please allot for approximately a 40-45 minute period during your class session for the TLC team to conduct an assessment. You will not be allowed in the classroom during the time of the assessment as we want the students to speak candidly about their experience. The scheduled time for this assessment is the week before the Thanksgiving Break.

Ensure timely grade feedback in all of your Tiger Learning Community courses via eCourseware. In order for students to be aware of their academic standing in courses at any given time, the University of Memphis is strongly encouraging the use of eCourseware to report student grades. Therefore, we are asking you adopt this measure and to strongly encourage your other TLC faculty to do the same.

Plan a midterm meeting with the other faculty in your Tiger Learning Community. During this meeting, you and the other TLC faculty will discuss the progress of the community and the students. This information will be needed to complete the Midterm Report which will be due the Friday before Fall Break.


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lhutson@memphis.edu212 Wilder Tower

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