Why join a Learning Community?

What are the benefits of Tiger Learning Communities?

What we've heard from students:

  • TLC's help you make a fast, smooth transition to the U of M
  • Easier to make friends and meet people with similar interests
  • Develop a supportive network around campus
  • More likely to form study groups
  • Higher involvement in class presentations
  • Allows for career exploration
  • Helps to improve oral and written communication skills
  • Improved teamwork skills

When compared to students not in a learning community, students in learning communities:

  • Generally have higher first semester GPA
  • Are more likely to earn more academic credit in their first semester
  • Show higher levels of overall course success (measured by a grade of C or better)
  • Are more successful in ENGL 1010- English Composition
  • Have increased confidence in their writing skills
  • Are more connected to faculty and other students