Higher Education Studies

Coursework in Higher and Adult Education (HIAD)

Please be aware that course offerings are subject to change in accordance with student enrollment and availability; some courses may be offered on alternating schedules in accordance with the demands of multiple curricula within the Department.

HIAD 7060 - Intrnshp Hi/Adult Ed (1-6)
Work experiences in higher education institution or in adult education settings under supervision of practicing professional and university supervisor. May be repeated for maximum of 6 credits. Grades of S, U, or IP will be given. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7170 - Community Educ Administration (3)
Organizational aspects of community education programs, including administration and suprevision of personnel and citizen-community participation in formulating, implementing, and evaluating community education programs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7171 - Adult & Conti Educ Admin (3)
Organization and administration of adult and continuing education, including adult remedial, vocational-technical, community outreach programs; administrative methods and materials appropriate to adult habits and needs; interpreting current legislation and research relating to adult and continuing education programs; planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7172 - Curri Planning in Adu Basic Ed (3)
Principles of curriculum building in application to adult basic education students.

HIAD 7403 - Rsrch Hghr/Adult Educ (3)
Current topics, research problems, new studies, and needed inquiries in higher and adult education. PREREQUISITES: EDPR 7/8541, 7/8542, 8415, 1 additional methods course approved by advisor. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7404 - Supervised Research (1-6)
Collaborative research with faculty within the major to include planning, design, management, analysis, and reporting of research. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours. PREREQUISITES: Minimum of 12 hours in major and permission of instructor. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7410 - Overview Higher Educ (3)
(EDAS 7190-8190). Higher education in social and historical contexts; organization and administration of colleges and universities. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7411 - Community Colleges (3)
(EDAS 7191-8191). History, philosophy, and changing mission of the community college; focus on administration, faculty, staff, and students; curriculum and services; funding, public relations, and the presidency. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7415 - It Trends & Issues (3)
Explores issues and trends in information technology for leaders of higher and adult education, involving readings, discussion, and hands-on web research related to IT planning and budget considerations, academic and administrative systems, management of IT professionals, and IT-induced change in various segments of education. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7430 - The Professoriate (3)
Faculties of U.S. colleges and universities, nature of their work in various types of institutions, academic reward system, and programs for continuing professional development. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7440 - Stdnt Prsnl Svc High Ed (3)
(COUN 7613-8613). Activities, functions, relationships, and philosophy of student personnel services; historical developments and current trends in student personnel services in relation to changing concepts in higher education. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7441 - College Studnt/Culture (3)
(COUN 7672-8672). College student characteristics and differing life patterns in institutional perspective; variations in student and college cultures in types of institutions. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7442 - College Student Dev (3)
(Same as COUN 7622-8622.) Comprehensive study of traditional and non-traditional college students; emphasis on identification of development needs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7443 - College Environments (3)
(Same as COUN 7623-8623). Person-environment interaction theories, campus ecology, impact of college environments on diverse student populations, and higher education environmental assessment techniques. PREREQUISITE: HIAD 7442-8442. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7444 - Multiculturalism Coll Camp (3)
Develops knowledge and skills necessary for leadership in diverse educational backgrounds. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7445 - Group Work in Stud Per (3)
Information and experiential opportunities about working with groups for leaders in diverse educational settings. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7450 - College/Unvsty Curric (3)
(HIAD 7200-8200). Structure, development, implementation, and assessment of curriculum in colleges and universities; historical and philosophical perspectives; major figures, emerging trends, and contemporary issues. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7452 - Developmental Educ (3)
(HIAD 7204-8204). Developmental education programs in colleges and universities; focus on policy, administration, and instruction. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7510 - Overview Of Adult Educ (3)
(HIAD 7250). Historical development of adult education; scope of field, including non-formal, post-secondary education, and human resource development. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7511 - Admin/Govt Comm College (3)
Clinical examination of structure, governance, management, and institutional culture in the context of accepted administrative practice in the contemporary community college. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7512 - Dev Grant Proposals/Ldrsp Prog (3)
(HIAD 7256-8256). Adult leadership programs in various organizations, agencies, and groups as primary, supplementary, or complementary function; community relations and development in funding. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7530 - Continuing Prof Educ (3)
Background and development of continuing education for professionals, including medicine, law, social work, psychology, dentistry, and education as well as other fields; examination of impetus and providers for such programs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7541 - Issues/Trends Tchg Adults (3)
(HIAD 7201-8201). Teaching and learning in higher education and other educational settings; analysis of who our learners are and teaching approaches designed for diverse student populations. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7542 - Global/Compartv Issues Ldrshp (3)
Cross-cultural and cross-national study of selected issues and problems in higher and adult education; examines role of education in promoting social, economic, and cultural change. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 7543 - External Relations/Fundraising (3)
Working with populations external to the organization, such as schools, organizations, community agencies, governments, and the media. Also, principles of fundraising, alumni development, and development campaigns. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8000 - Change Theory in Higher Educ (3)
Focus on theories and techniques for helping higher education institutions to change. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8060 - Intrnshp Hi/Adult Ed (1-6)
Work experiences in higher education institution or in adult education settings under supervision of practicing professional and university supervisor. May be repeated for maximum of 6 credits. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor. Grades of S, U, or IP will be given.

HIAD 8170 - Community Educ Administration (3)
Organizational aspects of community education programs, including administration and suprevision of personnel and citizen-community participation in formulating, implementing, and evaluating community education programs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8171 - Adult & Conti Educ Admin (3)
Organization and administration of adult and continuing education, including adult remedial, vocational-technical, community outreach programs; administrative methods and materials appropriate to adult habits and needs; interpreting current legislation and research relating to adult and continuing education programs; planning, implementing, and evaluating strategies. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8172 - Curri Planning in Adu Basic Ed (3)
Principles of curriculum building in application to adult basic education students. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8400 - Writing for Publication (3)
Learn about journals, tailoring articles to journals, writing a research article, working with editors and reviewers. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8401 - Higher Educ Adminstratn (3)
(EDAS 7192-8192). Role, function, organization, and administration of colleges and universities; roles of presidents and other administrators; variations in academic and student life in higher education; relationships with various constituencies; problems of practice and power. PREREQUISITE: HIAD 7410, 8415, 8420, 8422, or equivalent. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8403 - Rsrch Hghr/Adult Educ (3)
Current topics, research problems, new studies, and needed inquiries in higher and adult education. PREREQUISITES: EDPR 7/8541, 7/8542, 8415, 1 additional methods course approved by advisor. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8404 - Supervised Research (1-6)
Collaborative research with faculty within the major to include planning, design, management, analysis, and reporting of research. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 credit hours. PREREQUISITES: Minimum of 12 hours in major and permission of instructor. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8405 - Sem Higher/Adlt Educ (3)
(HIAD 7258-8258). Culminating experience for doctoral students; examination of current issues using cross-disciplinary perspectives derived from previous coursework. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8406 - Designing Research in HIAD (3)
This course focuses on the theoretical, conceptual, and procedural knowledge underpinning the designing of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research in higher and adult education. PREREQUISITES: LEAD 8001, HIAD 8412, EDPR 8560 (or EDPR 8561), EDPR 8541, EDPR 8542 or equivalent, or permission of the instructor.

HIAD 8410 - Overview Higher Edu (3)
(EDAS 7190-8190). Higher education in social and historical contexts; organization and administration of colleges and universities. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8411 - Community Colleges (3)
(EDAS 7191-8191). History, philosophy, and changing mission of the community college; focus on administration, faculty, staff, and students; curriculum and services; funding, public relations, and the presidency. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8412 - Hist/Policy Persp Hied (3)
(EDFD 7002-8002). Historical development of higher education in the United States; current higher education policy issues in relation to this development. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8415 - IT Trends & Issues (3)
Explores issues and trends in information technology for leaders of higher and adult education, involving readings, discussion, and hands-on web research related to IT planning and budget considerations, academic and administrative systems, management of IT professionals, and IT-induced change in various segments of education. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8420 - Legal/Ethical Issues in HIAD (3)
(EDAS 8380). Legal principles and significant legal constraints relating to institutions of higher education; emphasis on application of law to organizational structure, students, personnel, programs, property, and finance; analysis of current legal issues. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8422 - Higher Educ Finance (3)
(EDAS 8320). Financing of institutions in higher education; sources and methods of securing funds; development of programs; procedures for budget development and analysis; other financial and economic aspects of higher education administration; analysis of current problems related to higher education finance. PREREQUISITES: EDPR 7/8541 and EDPR 7/8542. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8430 - The Professoriate (3)
Faculties of U.S. colleges and universities, nature of their work in various types of institutions, academic reward system, and programs for continuing professional development. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8440 - Stdnt Prsnl Svc High Ed (3)
(COUN 7613-8613). Activities, functions, relationships, and philosophy of student personnel services; historical developments and current trends in student personnel services in relation to changing concepts in higher education. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8441 - College Studnt/Culture (3)
(COUN 7672-8672). College student characteristics and differing life patterns in institutional perspective; variations in student and college cultures in types of institutions. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8442 - College Student Dev (3)
(Same as COUN 7622-8622.) Comprehensive study of traditional and non-traditional college students; emphasis on identification of development needs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8443 - College Environments (3)
(Same as COUN 7623-8623). Person-environment interaction theories, campus ecology, impact of college environments on diverse student populations, and higher education environmental assessment techniques. PREREQUISITE: HIAD 7442-8442. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8450 - College/Unvsty Curric (3)
(HIAD 7200-8200). Structure, development, implementation, and assessment of curriculum in colleges and universities; historical and philosophical perspectives; major figures, emerging trends, and contemporary issues. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8510 - Overview Of Adult Educ (3)
(HIAD 7250). Historical development of adult education; scope of field, including non-formal, post-secondary education, and human resource development. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8511 - Admin/Govt Comm College (3)
Clinical examination of structure, governance, management, and institutional culture in the context of accepted administrative practice in the contemporary community college. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8512 - Dev Grant Proposals/Ldrsp Prog (3)
(HIAD 7256-8256). Adult leadership programs in various organizations, agencies, and groups as primary, supplementary, or complementary function; community relations and development in funding. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8530 - Continuing Prof Educ (3)
Background and development of continuing education for professionals, including medicine, law, social work, psychology, dentistry, and education as well as other fields; examination of impetus and providers for such programs. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8541 - Issues/Trends Tchg Adults (3)
(HIAD 7201-8201). Teaching and learning in higher education and other educational settings; analysis of who our learners are and teaching approaches designed for diverse student populations. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8542 - Global/Compartv Issues Ldrshp (3)
Cross-cultural and cross-national study of selected issues and problems in higher and adult education; examines role of education in promoting social, economic, and cultural change. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.

HIAD 8543 - External Relations/Fundraising (3)
Working with populations external to the organization, such as schools, organizations, community agencies, governments, and the medial. Also, principles of fundraising, alumni development, and development campaigns. Restricted to students enrolled in HIAD, LDPS, and CCTL programs or by permission of instructor.