Higher and Adult Education (HIAD)

Higher and Adult Education (HIAD) is one of the oldest online programs at the University of Memphis, predating the mass transition of everyday life to virtual settings following the COVID-19 pandemic. Our curricula is well-established and taught by student-centered faculty who bring a wide range of academic expertise and professional experience to their classrooms.

Our degree offerings include a Master of Science program in Student Affairs Administration and a Doctorate of Education program with concentrations in either Higher Education or Adult Education. The Higher Education concentration is designed for individuals seeking graduate-level preparation primarily for mid- and senior-level administrative positions in higher education institutions, or higher education-related agencies, boards, and commissions. The Adult Education Concentration is designed for individuals seeking leadership positions in education, health services, business, and in community and non-profit organizations. The Adult Education Concentration prepares professionals to teach and facilitate the development of adult learners and promote lifelong learning.

Learn more about HIAD:

Nationally Ranked

Our programs are ranked among the top in the nation, based on both quality and affordability.

Intelligent's #9 Best Online Doctorate in Higher Education Program 
(EdD in Higher & Adult Education)

BestValueSchools #13 Best Doctorate in Education Degrees 
(EdD in Higher & Adult Education)

GetEducated's #20 Cheapest Online Doctorate in Higher Education 
(EdD in Higher & Adult Education)

MyDegreeGuide's #21 Best Online Doctoral Program in Higher Education 
(EdD in Higher & Adult Education)

Nationally Ranked Badge

# 17 CollegeValuesOnline.com Best Online Doctorate in Educational Leadership

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