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LEAD Degree Application Requirements

Master of Science (MS) in Leadership and Policy Studies: School Administration and Supervision

This 12 month, blended-learning (online and weekend courses) 30 semester hours graduate education program is built upon Tennessee Instructional Leadership Standards. Successful students will receive a MS degree (or Ed.S. if a Masters has been previously attained) and a Tennessee Instructional Leader license.

Each applicant must submit a completed application packet to the Graduate School that includes:

In addition, each applicant must submit the following as part of your graduate application:

  • One to two-page letter of intent that thoroughly explains your professional goals and how obtaining the degree/certificate will help you accomplish those goals.
  • Professional resume
  • Three letters of professional recommendation on letterhead (1 LETTER MUST COME FROM ACTIVE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR)
  • Evidence of active teacher license and 3 years of classroom teaching experience (Upload a copy of teacher license)
  • The admission decision will be based on a holistic profile that includes, but is not limited to, information contained in the completed application packet described above.

 Priority application deadline is April 1 for Summer/Fall admission. Priority application is November 1 for Spring admission.

Master of Science (MS) in Leadership and Policy Studies: College Student Personnel (Student Affairs Administration)

To apply for the masters program, please complete the UofM Graduate School Admissions Application with the following items:

  1. Official transcripts for all prior undergraduate and graduate courses. 
  2. Personal statement that addresses the following items:
    1. Your background and experience related to higher education and student affairs
    2. Your career aspirations, particularly how this degree relates to your professional goals and intentions
    3. An overview of why you are pursuing a master’s degree in Student Affairs Administration generally and from the Higher and Adult Education program at the University of Memphis specifically
  3. Professional resume. 
  4. Three letters of recommendation, including one preferably from a former or current instructor.

If you would like to apply for the Student Affairs Administration program, our priority application deadline is April 1st for Summer/Fall admission and November 1st for Spring admission.

Doctor of Education (EdD) in Leadership and Policy Studies

  1. Each applicant must submit a completed application packet to the University Graduate School that includes:
    1. A completed admissions application
    2. Official transcripts for all prior undergraduate and graduate courses
    3. An official report of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score is NOT required.
  2. In addition, each applicant must submit the following items to the Department of Leadership:
    1. Letter of application that addresses the following items:
      1. Why you want this degree
      2. Why you want this degree from the UofM
      3. What you hope the degree will help you do post-graduation
    2. Professional resume
    3. Three letters of professional recommendation on letterhead
    4. A personal interview preceded by a writing sample will be scheduled with each applicant and admission decision will be made following the personal interview.
  3. The decision will be based on a holistic profile that includes, but is not limited to information contained in the completed application packet described above and obtained during the personal interview. Interested applicants are required to contact the departmental office to obtain admission forms and a more complete statement of admission guidelines.
  4. Priority application deadline is April 1 for Summer/Fall admission. Priority application is November 1 for Spring admission.

Doctor of Education (EdD) in Higher Education and Adult Education
(Emphasis in either Higher Education Administration or Adult Education)

The Higher and Adult Education doctoral program is comprised of two areas of concentration: Higher Education and Adult Education.

  • The Higher Education Concentration is designed for individuals seeking graduate-level preparation primarily for mid-level and senior-level administrative positions in higher education institutions, or higher education-related agencies, boards, and commissions.
  • The Adult Education Concentration is designed for individuals seeking leadership positions in education, health services, business, and in community and non-profit organizations. The Adult Education Concentration prepares professionals to teach and facilitate the development of adult learners and promote lifelong learning.

To apply for either doctoral program, please complete the UofM Graduate School Admissions Application with the following items:

  • Personal statement (2- 3 pages, single spaced), including the following items:
    • Describe your background, including relevant educational, work, and leadership experience
    • Share your initial research interests
    • Explain why you are interested in the University of Memphis Higher and Adult Education program specifically and how this degree will assist you in your career goals
  • Resume
  • Transcripts from previous institutions
  • Three professional letters of recommendation - preferably two from your former or current instructors
  • Professional or academic writing sample (5-10 pages, single or double spaced)
    • You do not need to develop a new piece for this submission. Instead, please enclose a solo-authored writing sample developed within the last two years. You may use excerpts from longer pieces as applicable.

Applications for admissions are due April 1st.

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