The Law School does not provide any on-campus parking for law students. Students may not park in the University-designated faculty/staff parking areas on Court Avenue or next to the Law School building.

Student parking for the Law School is available at all downtown parking garages and public parking venues.  The University has negotiated reduced parking rates for law students at several nearby garages. Please contact the garages directly for any parking-related questions.

You can view garage locations and discounted rates (if any) using this map.

Of course, you may choose to seek other options for parking. A good place to start is www.downtownmemphis.com. Click on the parking map link.

Main Campus Parking

Parking passes are available for law students who have an occasional need for services on the main campus such as the following:

  • The Counseling Center
  • Disability Resources for Students
  • The Student Health Center
  • Tiger Copy & Graphics
  • The Bookstore
  • The Bursar's Office
  • The Financial Aid Office
  • IT
  • Testing Center
  • Student government meetings (for our law school representatives)
  • Educational Help & Tutoring
  • Libraries

These parking solutions are not available for students with other regular business on the main campus (such as students regularly visiting the rec center, playing intramural sports, or joint/dual-degree students). These students should make other parking arrangements.

Effective immediately, if you are utilizing the above services, you will have two options for free parking on the main campus:

1. Single-Use Passes for the Zach Curlin Garage

The law school has purchased a limited number of single-use parking passes. Students can stop by room 262 and request a single-use parking pass. Students will be required to indicate a broad category of utilization so we will be able to track what services students are accessing with the parking passes. These passes are good for a single visit to the Zach Curlin garage.

2. Confidential Counseling Center Single-Use Passes

Students using the Counseling Center should not use Option 1 or 2 listed above but should instead use the single-use passes that are available upon request from the University Counseling Center. Students wishing to utilize these Counseling Center passes should park in Zach Curlin garage. You can request a single-use pass at the end of your counseling appointment. The single-use pass will enable you to exit the Curlin garage without charge. Students can request as many single-use passes as needed for counseling services.

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