
Typically, students will be required to download the Exam4 software and perform a practice exam twice a semester. The first is for in-term assessments; the second is for final exams. Any issues with the download process and/or practice exam should be addressed with the Law IT department at lawit@memphis.edu.

Many times, Exam4 will not support your laptop software updates. To ensure students are up to date on the latest information regarding Exam4, students are expected to read the On Legal Grounds blog and their memphis.edu email for messaging from IT and the Law Registrar's office. Currently, supported operating systems can be found here.

- Exam4 Download & Practice Exam Instructions for Closed, Open & Open-Network Modes
- Exam4 Practice Exam for Takehome Mode
- How to take a Practice Exam (video) - PLEASE NOTE: Most final exams will be proctored in person and materials will be provided in hardcopy by your final exam proctor. You may skip "Segment 4 - Viewing Exam Questions in Exam4" in the video series.
- How to use the Exam4 Multiple Choice module

Exam Numbers

Anonymous exam numbers are distributed via email by the Law Registrar's office for in-term assessments, as well as, final exams. Students receive a separate number for their in-term assessments, such as quizzes, midterms, or writing assessments. This in-term exam number should not be confused with the final exam number and should not be used as a substitute for the final exam number. In-term assessment IDs are five digits, Legal Methods IDs have four digits, and final IDs are three digits. Once the final exam period begins, only the final exam number should be used.

Conflict Exams

The Law Registrar's office is responsible for proctoring conflict exams. A conflict exam is defined as two exams scheduled on the same day. All students should request permission from the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to enroll in courses with conflicting exams. Click here to submit your request.

If permission is granted, one of the conflicting examinations will be rescheduled to the next open day in the student's examination schedule. A student with an approved exam conflict will be contacted via email before the examination period with an alternate date & time along with instructions.


Each semester, a faculty member has three weeks from the end of the exam period to submit grades to the Law Registrar's office for posting. The Law Registrar typically posts daily, as grades are received.

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