Linked below, you will find a number of different virtual tours, videos, and recorded discussions that will hopefully give you a better glimpse of what it would be like to be a student at Memphis Law.

Faculty Panel

faculty panel

Click here to watch members of the Memphis Law faculty take part in an informative panel to help prospective students learn more about what the academic side of law school at Memphis Law. The panel is moderated by two current Memphis Law students. Participant information is as follows: 

Student Ambassador Panel

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Click the image above (or HERE) to watch a virtual informative panel with some of our Memphis Law student ambassadors and moderated by our Admissions Office. It's a great opportunity to hear first-hand about what life is like at Memphis Law from some of our very own students. 

Virtual Tour of the Law School


Named as having the nation's "Best Law School Facilities," our building is a must-see for any prospective student, alumni, or member of the legal community. Take a look around our home and get to know a little more about our  historic home with this virtual tour.

Virtual "Student Experience" Panel

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Join us (Click HERE) as we speak with several current Memphis Law students about what it's like at the University of Memphis School of Law and some of the reasons they chose to attend law school here. Students participating in this panel include: Michelle Chiles (2L), Malik Luckett (3L), Heather Bornstein (3L), Kate Ernst (2L), and Cole Harrel (2L). 

Discussion with Professor Steve Mulroy

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Click HERE to watch a great presentation with our very own Professor Steve Mulroy, as he goes into great detail about our Electoral College system, mail-in voting, election night issues, as well as post-election challenges. 

Class Session with Professor Schaffzin

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Click HERE to watch Professor Danny Schaffzin and his Civil Procedure I class from earlier this semester. This is held during the first week of Orientation and is the first class that 1Ls in this section have every semester.

Class Session with Professor Demetria Frank

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Click HERE to watch a class session with Professor Demetria Frank as she teaches her Evidence course. 

Welcome From Dean Kate Schaffzin - Open House Introduction

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Click HERE to watch a welcome message for those attending our Admitted Student Open House from Memphis Law Dean Kate Schaffzin. 

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