Virtual Tour

Named as having the nation's "Best Law School Facilities," our building is a must-see for any prospective student, alumni, or member of the legal community. Take a look around our home and get to know a little more about our  historic home with this virtual tour.

Level 1

Main lobby, student lounges, bookstore, auditorium, and the library main level entrance and circulation area are on Level 1.

Level 2

You'll find two large classrooms, administrative offices and library stacks, and study rooms on this level.

Level 3

Level 3 is home to the historic courtroom, a practice courtroom, two large classrooms, and faculty offices, as well as additional library stacks.

Level 4

Come here to see the magnificent river view from the Ball Reading Room, the Law Review suite, and learning commons and offices.

Legal Clinic and Student Rec. Area

The lower level is home to our Legal Clinic with exterior entrance, student locker area and mailboxes, student organization offices, and the library stacks.

Building Highlights


Law Library

wade auditorium

Wade Auditorium 


Historic Courtroom

reading room

Reading Room


Back Promenade


Main Lobby

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