IT Services

The University of Memphis is continuing to work on the technology facilities at the Lambuth Campus—please check this page often for updates.

  • Wireless networking is available on campus
  • Residence Hall Facilities Residence halls have cable and Internet services
  • Computer Labs The Lambuth Campus has computer labs available


The University of Memphis wants to make sure you know about emergencies and incidents as they happen. UofM Alert powered by Everbridge is used to make sure you know about issues that may affect your safety. This system allows the UofM to contact thousands of campus community members in seconds so you can find out about an emergency right away. 

> Learn more about Everbridge

Student Software Discount Store

UofM students can visit the student software discount store to receive deep discounts on PC and Macintosh software by manufacturers such as Adobe, Microsoft, VMware, and more.

Learn more here

Technology Support

The University of Memphis Client Support Services department has created a website called UMTech, which outlines the technology resources available to UofM students, faculty and staff as well as training and documentation for using them.

Visit the UMTech website