Lambuth on a map

Directions to Lambuth Campus

From Interstate 40

  • Take Exit 82A and head south on Highway 45 which becomes North Highland Avenue.
  • At the sixth traffic light, turn right onto Lambuth Boulevard.
  • Go approximately one mile. The University of Memphis Lambuth is on the right.

From Highway 45 South

  • Follow Highway 45 through downtown Jackson until it becomes North Highland Avenue.
  • Go through a traffic light at Forest Avenue and through a second light at Campbell Street.
  • Turn left at the third light which is Lambuth Boulevard.
  • Go approximately one mile. The University of Memphis Lambuth is on the right.

From Highway 45 By-Pass

  • Exit at Hollywood Drive.
  • Turn left at the bottom of the exit ramp.
  • At the first traffic light, turn left on West Forest Avenue.
  • Turn right at the third light which is Lambuth Boulevard.
  • Go approximately one mile.  The University of Memphis Lambuth is on the right.

From Highway 412

  • Entering Jackson from the northwest side of town, Highway 412 becomes Hollywood Drive after you pass under Interstate 40.
  • Turn left on West Forest Avenue which is the fifth traffic light after you pass under I40.
  • Turn right at the third traffic light which is Lambuth Boulevard.
  • Go approximately one mile. The University of Memphis Lambuth is on the right.
  • Varnell-Jones Hall is visible from the street and has a semicircular drive in the front.
  • Visitor parking is available on the semicircular drive and on Lambuth Boulevard.

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