Tuition & Fees
Students who currently attend or previously attended high school within a 250-mile radius of the Memphis campus are in what is now called the 250-R Program, which entitles you to a dramatically reduced tuition rate if you are not eligible for either Tennessee in-state tuition or a participating Border County waiver. To learn more about this important program and who qualifies, go to
Click her for Tuition and fee information from the University of Memphis Bursar's Office.
Click here for UofM tuition estimator.
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Nothing should stand between you and your academic aspirations. Nothing. That's why we offer many ways to offset the cost of college tuition. There are tuition breaks through the 250-R Program, special grants and scholarships. Financial aid packages are administered through the Office of Financial Aid, including federal, state, and institutional aid to qualified students.
When financial barriers prevent a talented individual from expanding or completing his or her education, it is a loss for society. At the UofM, we measure our success in the differences we make in students' lives. Many scholarships are available, as is financial aid. Read more about all the opportunities to lower your education costs or get the assistance you need at Financial Aid.