Breastfeeding and Lactation Support Policy


Lactation and Returning to Work/School Infographic

See policy here.  Download a copy of the Plan 4 infographic here.

  • The University supports the rights of nursing employees by accommodating requests for break time and a private space to breastfeed or express milk in a location in close proximity of their work area.
  • The policy calls for dedicated spaces designated to accommodate the needs of nursing employees. At a minimum, the room must be clean (not a restroom or toilet stall), private (shielded from view and free from intrusion), comfortable (chair and side
    table), have an electrical outlet (for breast pump), accessible to nearby running water (restroom), and in close proximity of an employee's work area.
  • The policy allows for reasonable paid Lactation Breaks during the workday for nursing employees who have requested lactation accommodations for up to one year after birth or adoption of an infant.
  • Employees should discuss requests for paid Lactation Breaks with their direct supervisor.
  • Employees have access to the available breastfeeding and lactation spaces on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Supervisors should grant reasonable requests for lactation breaks and accommodations.
  • Supervisors and employees should work together to establish reasonable, flexible, and mutually agreeable times each day that do not unduly disrupt normal business activities, instruction, or clinical services.