Lactation Support on Campus

  Mother holding baby's feet

In an effort to promote a family-friendly campus, UofM is working to provide breastfeeding friendly environments on campus by designating lactation rooms and providing resources for new mothers returning to work and school.

Purpose and Description

 The purpose of the lactation support program is to promote a breastfeeding friendly environment across campus by:

  • providing education about breastfeeding and the resources that exist to the campus community
  • encouraging the adoption of policies and practices that support breastfeeding
  • providing resources to new mothers including students, faculty, and staff, to support them in reaching their breastfeeding goals
  • designating and equipping permanent, private, and secure lactation spaces across campus
  • increasing the number of lactation professionals in the community through a Lactation Certificate Program
  • establishing an Outpatient Lactation Clinic to provide support, educational materials, support groups, training opportunities, and workshops to the community