Media and Outreach

Media and Press

International Affairs Blog

Crawford, K.F. & Windsor, L. C. (2020, December) Bias and ‘Professionalism’. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/50-50-begins-in-our-minds-and-bodies-acknowledging-the-whole-scholar-f315b974ced9

Crawford, K.F. & Windsor, L. C. (2020, December) 50:50 begins in our minds and bodies: Acknowledging the whole scholar. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/50-50-begins-in-our-minds-and-bodies-acknowledging-the-whole-scholar-f315b974ced9.

Crawford, K.F. & Windsor, L. C. (2020, September 22). Academia’s key workers: preventing the exclusion of contingent faculty. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/academias-key-workers-exclusion-ab8d32374d62.

Windsor, L., & Crawford, K. F. (2020b, July 27). Men and gender equality: Leaning in and MENtoring. Medium. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/men-and-gender-equality-leaning-in-and-mentoring-a20134996825

Crawford, K. F., & Windsor, L. C. (2020, May 14). We need to talk: Gender, bias and best practices for supporting academic parents. Medium. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/we-need-to-talk-gender-bias-and-best-practices-for-supporting-academic-parents-1d833d34f5a

Windsor, L., & Crawford, K. F. (2020a, March 23). Snow days, holidays and pandemic quarantines: Why we need to be looking after parents. Medium. https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/snow-days-holidays-and-pandemic-quarantines-why-we-need-to-be-looking-after-parents-a3dc38413548

Global South Action Network

Windsor, L., & Ostergard, R. (2019a, May 24). Media messaging and American public perception of the Ebola crisis of 2014 (Part One). http://gsan.essex.ac.uk/2019/05/media-messaging-and-american-public-perception-of-the-ebola-crisis-of-2014-part-one/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=media-messaging-and-american-public-perception-of-the-ebola-crisis-of-2014-part-one

Windsor, L., & Ostergard, R. (2019b, May 31). Media messaging and American public perception of the Ebola crisis of 2014 (Part Two). https://gsan.essex.ac.uk/2019/05/media-messaging-and-american-public-perception-of-the-ebola-crisis-of-2014-part-two/

Duck of Minerva

Windsor, L. and Burns, C. (2021, February). Are women leaders better at fighting COVID? Duck of Minerva. N https://duckofminerva.com/2021/02/are-women-leaders-better-at-fighting-covid.html

Windsor, L. (2020, May 8). Apart, Together: The separate worlds of Covid-19 beliefs. Duck of Minerva. Duck of Minerva. https://duckofminerva.com/2020/05/apart-together-the-separate-worlds-of-covid-19-beliefs.html

Windsor, L., & Crawford, K. F. (2019, September 9). Early lessons from a survey on bias in family formation in academia – Duck of Minerva. Duck of Minerva. https://duckofminerva.com/2019/09/early-lessons-from-a-survey-on-bias-in-family-formation-in-academia.html

Smart City Memphis

Windsor, L. (2020b, June 15). County Commissioners Should Back Paid Parental Leave | Smart City Memphis. Smart City Memphis. https://www.smartcitymemphis.com/2020/06/county-commissioners-should-back-paid-parental-leave/

Windsor, L. (2020d, July 27). Girl Scouts To The Rescue | Smart City Memphis. Smart City Memphis. https://www.smartcitymemphis.com/2020/07/leah-windsor-girl-scouts-to-the-rescue/

Daily Memphian

Windsor, L. (2020a, June 9). Women aren’t just preferable, but necessary, in negotiations. The Daily Memphian. https://dailymemphian.com/article/14696/leah-windsor-women-negotiating-table

Yannitell Reinhardt, G., & Windsor, L. (2020, June 23). Imbalance in power, status can lead to police violence. The Daily Memphian. https://dailymemphian.com/article/15021/power-status-protests-police-violence

Windsor, L. (2020c, July 19). A parent has questions about school reopening. The Daily Memphian. https://dailymemphian.com/article/15519/windsor


Scholars Circle (2020) http://www.armoudian.com/radio/

The University of Memphis Magazine (Fall 2017) Memphis, TN.


WMCTV Interview. (June 3, 2017) Memphis, TN . http://www.wmcactionnews5.com/clip/13383807/uofm-professor-discusses-language-use-in-democracy

Trouw (April 21, 2017). Janne Chaudron.

https://www.trouw.nl/samenleving/dreigende-taal-maakt-nog-geen-derde- wereldoorlog~a846ca2b/

Memphis Flyer (November 7, 2016), Toby Sells


The University of Memphis President’s Report (November 30, 2014). https://issuu.com/univofmemphis/docs/presreport14

Invited talks

Invited Talks and Lectures

1. Windsor, L. (2021, January) University of Essex Government Department Speaker Series.

2. Windsor, L. (2020) University of Nevada, Reno. Postponed due to Covid-19.

3. Windsor, L. (2020) Introduction to Computational Text Analysis. Department of Political Science, Bucknell University, “Methods in May.” Harrisburg, PA. Postponed due to Covid-19.

4. Windsor, L. (2020) Language and Cognition in International Politics. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science VŠB-TUO, Czech Republic. Postponed due to Covid-19.

5. Windsor, L. (2020) Language and Power in the International System. Department of Political Science, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.

6. Windsor, L. (2019) Linguistic Endangerment and Political Instability: NSF Award 1624346. Smithsonian Institution.

7. Windsor, L. (2018) Interdisciplinary Linguistic Analysis in the Social Sciences. Workshop at The University of Arkansas.

8. Windsor, L. (2018) What’s Next, FedEx Institute of Technology. The University of Memphis.

9. Windsor, L. (2018) Emotional Contagion and Language in the Rwandan Genocide. SMA CENTCOM. Department of Defense.

10. Windsor, L. (2017) Dictators, Populists, Terrorists: What Language Can Tell Us About Opaque and Radical Politics. Faculty Research Spotlight, General Faculty Meeting. The University of Memphis.

11. Windsor, L. (2017) Security Insights from Political Language. Social and Behavioral Sciences for National Security – Decadal Survey. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.

12. Windsor, L. (2017) The Language of Radicalization: Female Internet Recruitment to Participation in ISIS Activities. SMA CENTCOM. Department of Defense.

13. Windsor, L. (2016) Political Crisis and Language. Cognitive Science Seminar. Institute for Intelligent Systems, The University of Memphis. Memphis, TN.

14. Windsor, L. & Love, G. (2015, October) Populism and Popular Support. SOUTHCOM Community of Interest. Department of Defense.

15. Windsor, L. (2015) Tools and Technologies of Political Text Analysis. Yale University, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.

16. Windsor, L. (2014) Innovations in Political Text Analysis. Yale University, Jackson Institute for Global Affairs.

17. Windsor, L. (2014) Socio-political and Linguistic Cohesion: The Cases of Syria and Libya. Presented at the Workshop on Conflict. Michigan State.

18. Windsor, L. (2014) Language and Meaning in International Politics. Institute for Intelligent Systems.