Creative Mass Media Concentration 

Creativity focused into a project that uses varying communications tools to send a message—that's what you do in creative mass media. In CMM, you are part of a team that creates content and presents it to an audience in a way that they can consume and understand.

CMM courses teach you how to use tools of mass communications, including writing, photography, videography, audio, and design, to reach an audience with a message. Creative media pros work to connect content with audiences, and to use both print and web to make that connection.

Creative media professionals think through a problem and find ways to solve it. They plan and execute the solution, through content creation and evaluate the results.

Involvement in any of the student organizations at the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media will be useful. UM has chapters of the Public Relations Student Society of America, American Advertising Federation, the Society of Professional Journalists, and the National Association of Black Journalists. You can join the Daily Helmsman staff as a news or ad designer or work with Meeman 901 Strategies as a visual specialist. Additionally, the national Society for News Design and National Press Photographers Association organizations offers student memberships and resources.

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