Summer 2019 Syllabi

Journalism Classes

JOUR-4830-301 Directed Indiv Study (Arant)
JOUR-4830-M50 Directed Indiv Study (Arant)

Core Classes

JRSM-1700-M50 Survey of Media (Justice, C)
JRSM-1750-M50 Precision Language (Denney, P)
JRSM-2121-M50 Media Writing (Byrd, R)
JRSM-3900-M50 Visual Media (Haught, M)
JRSM-4700-M50 Media Law (Arant, M)
JRSM-4930-301 Media Internship (Haught, M)
JRSM-4930-M50 Media Internship (Haught, M)

Public Relations Classes

PBRL-3400-M50 Survey of Public Relations (Janoske, M)
PBRL-3421-M50 Public Relations Writing (Del Rosso, T)
PBRL-4410-M51 Public Relations Research (Marks, K)

Graduate Classes

JRSM-6700-M50 Media Law (Arant, M)
JRSM-7600-301 Graduate Media Practicum (Haught, M)
JRSM-7700-301 Individual Research (Hrach, T)
JRSM-7990-301 Media Portfolio (Haught, M)
JRSM-7996-M50 Thesis (Hrach, T)
JRSM-7996-301 Thesis (Hrach, T)
JRSM-7998-301 Professional Project (Hrach, T)
JRSM-7998-302 Professional Project (Hrach, T)
JRSM-7998-303 Professional Project (Hrach, T)

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