Michael Robinson, M.A.

Student Services Coordinator, Associate Professor of Teaching

324 Meeman Journalism Building
Office Hours
As posted on syllabi
Prof. Michael Robinson


M.A., Journalism, University of Memphis
B.A., Journalism, University of Memphis

About Prof. Michael Robinson

Michael Robinson brings to the department several years of professional art direction experience with work including city-wide public health initiatives, multiple public transit campaigns and full-scale brand development. Passionate about strong design and telling interesting stories, Robinson applies creative multimedia approaches to ensure his classroom is both relevant and engaging for students.

A lifelong Memphian, Robinson earned both a bachelor's and master's degree in journalism from the University of Memphis and taught for several semesters during his graduate program. His area of expertise is creative mass media and he thrives on helping students combine impactful design components with thoughtful messaging.

As the JRSM Student Services Coordinator, Robinson also advises students as they enter the program or plan for potential internship and employment opportunities. He enjoys identifying students' passions and skillsets to maximize their potential within the department and beyond.

Robinson spends his time out of the office being a self-described "creative junkie." An avid consumer of all types of media, he can often be found gushing about his favorite podcast, taking photos, drafting up characters for roleplaying games or pouring over the latest trends in graphic design. His creative work extends beyond print and digital media as well. Robinson is a residential design consultant, enjoys singing soul music and spent more than eight years directing middle school musical theatre. If it's creative, he's probably doing it. (Or trying to.)