Jin Yang, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Journalism, Southern Illinois University
M.A., Communication, Pittsburg State University
B.A., English, Shanxi University
About Dr. Jin Yang
Dr. Jin Yang is a Professor at the University of Memphis. She obtained her M.A. in Communication at Pittsburg State University and her Ph.D. in journalism at Southern Illinois University.
Dr. Yang has worked in the mass communication area as a bilingual broadcaster in China, web content editor, reporter and public relations officer in U.S.
She won the Dean's Outstanding Research award in 2009 for her dedicated research in international communication. She has published in Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, Newspaper Research Journal, Mass Communication and Society, Journal of Interactive Advertising, and International Communication Gazette. She specializes in comparative international communication, journalism education, and new media technology by using content analysis and surveys. She earned the 2016 Faculty Research Grant from the University of Memphis.
Dr. Yang teaches in the areas of visual media, web publishing and research methods. Courses she has taught include Visual Journalism, Multimedia Journalism, Web Publishing I + II, Interactive News, Mass Communication Research Methods in the graduate program.
Dr. Yang is the editor of The Bridge, the newsletter of the Memphis PC Users. She also serves on the board of The Greater Memphis United Chinese Association and has co-founded the Memphis Chinese Times and served as the editor-in-chief for three years.