Graduate Certificate in Multimedia Storytelling 

The Graduate Certificate in Multimedia Storytelling offers students both practical and theoretical instruction in storytelling using multimedia technology: words, pictures, graphics, video, audio and social media. The certificate program emphasizes the technical expertise needed to create multimedia projects and the reporting and storytelling skills needed to create compelling content in today's media market.

Objectives of the program include:

  • To teach students the technical skills needed to produce multimedia projects in today's media environment. Technical skills taught: writing, photography, video, design, audio and social media.
  • To teach students how to create compelling content from a variety of sources, topics and fields.


The Graduate Certificate in Multimedia Storytelling requires 12 hours. Students are required to take JRSM 7350 Advanced Multimedia Reporting, and JRSM 7510 Information Design. Then students would choose two of these courses:

JOUR 6150 – Sports Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6155 – Multimedia Sports Reporting
JOUR 6160 – Food Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6170 – Business Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6180 – Public Issues Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6190 – Opinion Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6530 – Innovative Storytelling
JOUR 6629 – TV News Writing/Reporting
JOUR 6639 – Television News Producing
JRSM 7124 – Data Journalism

How to apply

Applicants for the Multimedia Storytelling certificate program must satisfy all the requirements of the University Graduate School as set out in the Graduate Bulletin.

The Graduate School collects your application, transcripts, goal statement and resume, and when complete, forwards them to the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media to consider for admission to the journalism certificate program.

All other admissions requirements are the same as for the regular program (see above).

Continuing beyond the certificate

All of the classes taken in the certificate program will count toward your Master's degree if you are admitted to the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media's master's degree program. You will have up to eight years to complete the program. The time starts the semester that you take your first graduate course.

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