How To Apply

Admission to the Department of Journalism and Strategic Media is competitive. Multiple criteria are considered, including cumulative grade point average, relevant employment history in the form of a resume, and your personal goal statement.


Use the electronic admission application to apply to Graduate School, file for readmission, or to change your current degree program or student level. (Application fees for initial admission are $35 application fee for domestic students and $60 for international students)


Request that your official transcripts from all other colleges and/or universities you have attended be sent to:

The University of Memphis
Graduate Admissions
Wilder Tower, 8th Floor
3675 Alumni Avenue, Memphis, TN 38152


Submit the following supplemental materials:

Current resume
Personal goal statement (500 to 1,000 words indicating the academic program for which you are applying and specifying your career goals)

For the Open-Source Investigative Reporting concentration only:

Two journalistic writing samples
Two or more letters of reference


You should submit all materials for program admission well in advance of your intended start date. Send by June 1 for fall semester admission, by October 1 for spring semester admission, and by February 1 for the summer. To be considered for any available departmental assistantships, you must have all applications materials submitted by the priority dates February 15 (fall) and September 15 (spring) and be accepted into the program before the assistantship application deadlines. The Department of Journalism and Strategic Media's admission committee will review applications at those times and may review new applications at other times.

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