Public Accountability

The Department of Journalism & Strategic Media has a diverse group of students from the Memphis metropolitan area as well as throughout the United States and abroad. In fall 2023, Journalism & Strategic Media had 275 Bachelor of Arts students in seven programs and 38 graduate students for a total of 313 students.

Undergraduate Enrollment by Program

Advertising: 31
Broadcast Journalism: 38
Creative Mass Media: 44
Journalism: 35
Public Relations: 74
Strategic Social Media: 10
Sports Media: 35

Graduate Enrollment by Program

Master of Arts: 34
Certificate in Entrepreneurial Media: 3
Certificate in Social Media Analysis/Strategy: 2

Retention & Graduation

Journalism & Strategic Media faculty and staff have an excellent record of helping students to succeed in our program. In 2014, the Department received special recognition from the College of Communication and Fine Arts for its academic advising. The Department is consistently among the best in the university for its 6-year graduation rate.

Data from the University of Memphis Office of Institutional Research show the percentage of students retained by the Department of Journalism & Strategic Media as they progressed through the program is consistent with the University. Journalism & Strategic Media students tend to graduate in less time than students in other programs in the University.

View retention and graduation rates for Journalism and Strategic Media.



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