Scholarship Information

Bornblum Judaic Studies offers qualified students the opportunity to apply for a variety of scholarships and awards. A minimum grade point average of 3.00 and at least six credits or the equivalent in Judaic Studies courses are required for students to apply for any scholarship or award. Decisions on which scholarship or award will go to which students are made by the Director of Bornblum Judaic Studies, in consultation other BJS faculty and members of the BJS Faculty Advisory Committee. Information and application materials are available in the BJS office in 301 Mitchell Hall, phone 678-2919.

The Judaic Studies Teacher Training Scholarship

The Judaic Studies Teacher Training Scholarship is up to $1,500 per year for up to six semesters of study. Graduate students seeking teacher licensure for the purpose of going into Jewish education may also be eligible for scholarship support. In order to receive and retain the scholarship, students must meet following requirements:

  1. Undergraduate students must either (a) seek a bachelor's degree in Judaic Studies and teacher licensure, or (b) seek a bachelor's degree in education, establish proficiency in Hebrew language, and earn at least a minor in Judaic Studies.
  2. Graduate students must seek teacher licensure and make up deficiencies in Judaic studies from their undergraduate work, including Hebrew language proficiency.
  3. All students must complete a program for teacher licensure.
  4. Upon completion of their studies, all students must make every reasonable effort to obtain employment in the field of Jewish education. Once they have secured a position in Jewish education, they must make every reasonable effort to work in the field of Jewish education for a minimum of three years.

The Judaic Studies Teacher Training Scholarship is good for no more than six semesters of study, including two semesters of study at an Israeli university. If students require additional semesters to comply with the terms of the scholarship, then they must find other means of meeting those expenses.

Jewish Community Service Training Award

The Jewish Community Service Training Award pays qualified students $500 per semester for up to six semesters of study. In order to receive and retain the scholarship, students must either (a) seek a bachelor's degree in Judaic Studies and a minor in Nonprofit Management with certification by American Humanics, or (b) seek a bachelor's degree in Social Work and a minor in Judaic Studies. Students must also complete an internship in a Jewish community service agency.

Outstanding Student in Judaic Studies Award

Each year instructors teaching courses in Judaic Studies and/or in Hebrew language nominate an outstanding student for the Outstanding Student in Judaic Studies Award. Students have to have a concentration in Judaic Studies to be eligible for this award and must be nominated by one of their instructors. Students who have already received the award are not eligible. One award of $500 may be given each year; if no student is eligible or qualified for the award, it may not be given.

Award for Juniors and Seniors with a Concentration in Judaic Studies

Qualified juniors and seniors who have a concentration in Judaic Studies may apply for an award of $500 per year. Juniors may receive $500 per year for up to two years; seniors may receive the scholarship of $500 only once.

Funds for Study in Israel

Qualified students who with a concentration or seeking a minor in Judaic Studies may apply for funds to apply toward airfare from Memphis to Israel in order to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Haifa University, Bar-Ilan University, or Ben Gurion University. The amount provided is $1,500 or the cost of airfare, whichever is less, on a reimbursable basis. In order to receive the reimbursement, students must provide receipts for their airfare and evidence that they have completed a summer, semester, or year of study at one of the aforementioned institutions.


Undergraduate students receiving any scholarship, award, or airfare reimbursement must maintain an overall grade point average or 3.20 during their studies at The University of Memphis. Graduate students in the Teacher Training Scholarship Program must maintain a grade point average of 3.30. Scholarship students are reviewed once a year to determine their continuing eligibility. All Bornblum Judaic Studies scholarships, awards, and reimbursements apply to study only at The University of Memphis and/or an Israeli university. No funds may not be used for study at any other institution.

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